Men do you create separate specific personalities for every different person you know, why or why not?

  1. Well there’s relationship George, and then there’s independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!

  2. Look at that subtle coloring, the tasteful thickness. My God it even has a watermark.

  3. No, but I create specific personalities for every machine I own and operate.

  4. No. Life is way too short for that shit. Not everyone is going to like you. The most mentally healthy people are the ones that realize that.

  5. Say what, are you psychotic? How the fuck is one supposed to keep track of all that? And why would you do that? It sounds exhausting.

  6. Surely, the people I know have created their *own* personalities long before meeting me… right?


    Holy shit, you aren’t all blank slates until I roll up, are you? Automatons waiting to start your runtimes to conserve battery?

    Have I stumbled on something I wasn’t meant to know?

  7. Not intentionally, not every person and there’s bleed between the personalities but I do tend to have significant shifts in demeanor when dealing with different strong personalities. Just a defense mechanism from childhood that carried over.

  8. People act different in different situations, that’s really not surprising or mysterious. You’re not a completely different person when you’re on a roller coaster than when you’re at a funeral, you’re the same person under different circumstances. You’re not adopting a completely different personality when you talk to your grandmother than when you talk to your best friend, you’re the same person talking to people who you have different kinds of relationships with. Pretty much everybody does this, but individual personality factors affect how much people adapt to their surroundings and the kinds of ways they change.

  9. Wouldn’t go so far as to say every different person. But being a neutro-divergent individual I certainly exhibit autism “masking.” Though I think your question is focused more on men having personalities regardless of mental conditions?

    Regardless, I think we all have certain personas toward certain individuals & groups in our lives. I’m working toward a more empathetic & centralized general persona toward others. It takes a lot of work.

  10. I got only two “personalities”. One for the job.. another for everything and everyone else.

    The job requires me to be patient, impartial and professional. Regular interactions do not require those characteristics, at least not to the same degree.

  11. I react to the comfort levels of those around me. Over time, people get to know me based in large part on how I observe them.

    This *does* lead to problems because depending on where you know me from and/or how long you’ve known me, I can seem to be several different people when my crowds get mixed.

    That doesn’t mean I’m putting up a front or a mask – if anything, I’m saying everybody does this, but I’m just aggressively empathic so the resulting effect can be… severe.

  12. Maybe a little “code switching” but not anything I’m doing consciously. If anything I’m just reacting differently to each person’s personality or sometimes mirroring their energy.

  13. They aren’t personalities but different members of my friends group and extended social circles bring put different aspects of my personality.
    Mostly because they all have different interests to each other so I bring forth the aspect that resonates best with who I’m currently with or talking to.

  14. Personalities? No, I’m basically the same guy towards everyone.
    But obviously you behave different towards different people.

  15. Not consciously, but unconsciously yes. I’m naturally fairly chameleonic and I have quite a range of different personas depending on who I’m talking to. It can be quite helpful.

    Everyone does this this to some extent (including those who deny it who i imagine don’t have a lot of self awareness) but I probably do it more than most.

    Just as an extreme example, the cutsie way I talk with my wife is obviously radically different to how I speak with my reports at work.

  16. Not every different person, but I’m a guy with a ton of different interests. I love technical things like automotive mechanics, I am a huge fan of cars/motorcycles, racing, the physics of racing, I am handy and like stuff like woodwork, building things, painting. I love most all forms of exercise and sports and take a ton of pride in my physical fitness. I served in the marine corps, so I enjoy aspects of firearms, living outdoors, fighting, etc.

    I also really enjoyed school and college. I majored in economics, so a ton of stuff related to economics/politics/math/psychology are super interesting to me and I love to continue to learn and read things about those subjects. I loved reading different books and studying history growing up, so different aspects of that interest me.

    I am a pretty big MS excel nerd and can spend hours trying to program a macro in VBA to automate part of my job.

    I am a fan of meticulous hobbies like coffee brewing and playing instruments.

    In general, I love learning and I love learning about a ton of shit.

    Moral of the story is I can fit in just about anywhere and will tailor many aspects of my personality with a given crowd, to better fit in.

    I can fit in with a typically masculine group mostly based on my appearance alone, but I can talk sports, guns, working out, cars/motorcycles, woodwork, grilling, etc

    But I can also fit in with a typically studious or nerdy group that talks politics, economics, psychology, etc.

    I like to think of myself as a compelling person and I really try to relate to/assimilate to whatever crowd I am with at a given time.

    A good friend of mine caught onto this characteristic of me a while ago and asked me which version of myself is actually my true self. Honestly, I do not know.

  17. I have too, my working environment is very political and those with more power, race or gender privileges will crush you in an instant for the slightest perceived infraction.

    As such I always wear a mask of polite agreeableness when at work because ‘they’ are always watching.

  18. Most people don’t, I’m not special by any means either, I’m just another person. But yes, I do. Depends on the person, but I do it solely to blend in to the environment, the equivalent of a chameleon if you will. So, I’ll adjust it accordingly to that designated person.

    It has its uses, though. It gives me insight into different people, how they think, from their likes to dislikes, and different perspectives on varying topics. And yes, I know what my original personality is, that’s specifically for loved ones, or people close to me. Those are the only people I will reveal it to. Is it a form of manipulation? Yes, but I don’t do it to negatively affect anyone. That’s not my prerogative in the slightest. All I want is to blend in and move on with my day.

  19. No.

    I modify my behaviour slightly based on what the other person is comfortable with, but that’s just called ‘social skills’.

  20. A little bit. It’s not always a conscious thing, but some traits I’m more comfortable expressing with some people.

  21. No, but I have a work persona (and it applies to people I don’t know as well).

    The I am becoming the most liberal npc you can imagine, including supporting the current thing.

  22. No? I just know some people respond differently to topics and act accordingly. That’s not changing personality, it’s called getting along with others.

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