What do you consider to be “aging gracefully” in women? Around when do you think aging begins?

  1. Not getting cosmetic surgery. I’d rather look 50, than look 50 with work done.

  2. We start aging in the meaningful sense at around 25.

    I would consider a woman to age gracefully by taking care of her health and simply accepting the realities of aging without undue worry or emotional investment. The same goes for men.

  3. Aging gracefully is exercising regularly, eating healthy and being mentally healthy.

    The “aging process” sounds like you’re asking when women reach their prime. If so, that different for everyone based on genetics and life events.

  4. As an older man I don’t mind older women not looking as good as when young I don’t look as good either. I just think ppl look better without plastic surgery. I mean look at Madonna and a whole slew of older actors who are just obviously done. As in had work done. It doesn’t really look good. Only exception is dolly.

  5. I’m not sure how to describe what aging gracefully is, but I’m certain my wife is doing it.

  6. Not falling apart physically like the sudden appearance of 20 years of parties, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and stress carving themselves into them and trying to overpaint the sign of aging with kilos of makeup.

    And I guess accepting the consequences of aging. Like becoming less attractive to men overall, instead of screaming bloody murder that people should find them attractive at all ages. That just sounds like a greasy faced 19 y/o boy complaining that a pretty girl his age might prefer a 23 y/o guy.

  7. Beauty becomes about economics.
    Buying nice cloths, going to the gym, beauty salon, Botox etc.

    The ultimate beauty is youth.

  8. Aging gracefully is just owning the normal signs of age without going to great lengths to hide it. Like gray hair. Graceful is just having some gray hair and not dying it out. Don’t pile on makeup to cover wrinkles or spend hundreds of dollars on creams and treatments.

    But at the same time, keep the rest of the body in the best shape it can be in.

    When aging really starts to show kind of depends on genetics. Like I’ve known women who just had terrible skin that was looking thin and wrinkly by 30. Maybe it’s from smoking… or Sun exposure… Also race has to do with it. As the saying goes “black don’t crack.” Black women seem to age better. And some Asian women can remain looking pretty young well into their 40’s and even 50’s.

  9. Accepting the realities of aging instead of working fruitlessly to prevent the inevitable.

    You still take care of yourself, but you’re not consumed by halting the aging process. Same with men. We all get old and we all will die. Deal with it.

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