I think I’m done with dating. I don’t think I have it in me anymore. I’m over the games, the small talk, the time wasted, the uncertainty, feeling used. But most of all, I’m tired of giving a piece of myself and getting nothing in return. I feel empty. Not because I need someone or need to be in relationship. I’m just tired being hopeful, just to be let down. After a while, it takes a toll on a person. And I think I just reached my breaking point.

Thanks everyone!! I’m fine I was just having a moment and just need to let it out. The reality of this world is, people will use your vulnerability against you. So I don’t really like venting to people, that’s why I came on here lol.
But yes I’m doing me and I’m ok with that. Again I don’t need a man, I just would like someone to enjoy life with… But men suck 🫤 (and so do women).

  1. I feel that. After being rejected every time I’ve asked someone out, I feel like there isn’t anything to be excited about anymore. I think this is a great time for you to separate yourself from the idea of dating and focus on other aspects of your life, you’ll know when you are ready to get back on the dating horse!

  2. Love is amazing and you have the right to take your time to love yourself 🙂 you will eventually find a great date. Don’t give up!

  3. I have not dated in years. I understand that feeling. You never really get to know someone until after things happen and their real person comes out.

  4. I was saying this (done dating) to a friend last night. It’s a strange world out there right now, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I agree with some of the others on here. Focus on you, do something meaningful with that otherwise wasted time. There’s a lot of new experiences to be had out there. Travel, make friends, learn new skills.

  5. I’ve been done for 12 years and I couldn’t be happier. It was the best decision I ever made.

  6. It’s okay if you want to be done with dating. It’s also okay if you currently want to give up but want to try at another point in your life (whenever you want).

    The beautiful thing about love, as others have said, is that it usually finds you when you are not looking for it. You may give up on dating and the someone new might come along. The universe is unpredictable.

    It’s okay to do what it’s best for you and your mental health. Stay strong✨

  7. Sounds like you been hunting instead of fishing. 2 ways you can play the game. Either focus on chasing attraction or focus on being attractive. Maybe this doesn’t apply in your situation but that’s a being a fisherman instead of a hunter is real good advice when you really think about it.

  8. I’ve kind of decided to work on my relationship with myself. Highly recommend. I’m the best date I’ve had in a very very long time.

  9. I felt the same way about 6 months ago, I’ve been keeping to myself and finally just feel ok. I’ve totally devoted myself to my degree now.

  10. I hear that. I’ve been taking a break for 5 years. I just can’t do relationships anymore. The uncertainty sucks. Wondering if they actually want me or simply what I can provide is exhausting. Flying solo is pretty awesome anyway.

  11. I’m the same boat, I’m thinking about robot wife or mail order bride because most humans are pretty bad.

  12. Had plenty of women treat me like shit. All you can do is get back up and dust off not everyone sucks. Gotta sift through a lot of selfish shit heads

  13. I want you to reflect on this feeling. Simply put “I am done”. Ultimately I am not trying to tell you how to think and feel, but propose an idea to you that may yet serve you well, in the sense that “you know you best” you can take this concept and aquire the most personal utility as it aligns with your life:

    Romantic love and sexual gratification are OPTIONAL in life and not needed for happiness and life satisfaction.

    People come to this realization, or at least idea, and can go a multitude of different ways with it. Some become abstinent, some find better luck with love because they don’t put so much pressure in it. Even if some just straight have bad luck and fail repeatedly, at the very least they feel better about their situation. What I personally decided to do is take a couple years off dating. I’ll return to it in two years time, or not. Instead of giving it a particular definition, I am just living ng my best life and not thinking about it. I am self actualized so this is why I can treat love as optional. Use this to your own personal best advantage. Always keep in mind that rare and impossible are not the same, although stress can make even the smartest of us believe otherwise

  14. I’m taking a break from dating for at least 3 years to focus on school and have a better career. Maybe by that time, I’m already attractive. Who knows? The point is focus on yourself and what you want to do. The right person will come.

  15. If you don’t want to participate in OLD. Come join the dating subreddit. It’s full of pain and suffering

  16. The end of this should read people suck, I’m a male and I’ve dealt with the same thing for 2 years I gave up like 6 months ago

  17. I’m in the same boat, every woman I meet just wants someone to pay their bills. Zero signs of excited to see me/ missing me. Sad thing is they never had anyone treat them that well.

    I get pissed off when girls whine about being used for sex… that would be 100 times nicer… atleast it’s for affection.

  18. Honestly I don’t even take anyone seriously lol it’s all lies wrapped in sprinkles lol don’t blame you

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