The Italy, one of the greatest national soccer teams of the world, was defeated by North Macedonia and won’t play the World Cup for the second time in a row. Ok, this history everybody knows and you, Italians, problably don’t like it.

But, the tournament attracts the attention of all the world, even of the countris that don’t dispute it. I’m curious to know if it will be true for you or not and, if positive, what country you personally will suport.

  1. Of course I’ll watch the World Cup tournament, regardless of Italy are playing or not. I’ll be more relaxed and watch it for the mere pleasure of enjoying a football match.

    My current favourite teams are Portugal, Poland and Uruguay, but they haven’t many chances to win the whole thing, to be honest.

    In the end, I think the Cup will go to one amongst Brazil, Argentina, Spain or France,

  2. Last time I supported the country I live in, also to have an excuse to drink a bit. This time… I can’t support France nor Germany so I am still figuring it out.

  3. I will watch some of it I guess.

    I would watch more,if it weren’t at the ‘wrong’ time of year…I will be working then…and perhaps the times of the matches won’t be great for Europe.The choice of Qatar does not exactly fill me with enthusiasm either.

    As for Italy not being there,that means less stress while watching. That is the positive spin anyway 😉

    Personally I’d love to see a ‘new’ country win it,though I’d say it is fairly unlikely that will happen.And a ‘smaller’ country rather than a historical giant.

    So….of those options,and looking at those who have a chance,I’ll go with Belgium to support.

    Actual prediction is Brazil to beat England in the final.

  4. Of course I’ll watch it, at least to enjoy some good football (and it’s less stressful that way). The matches that interest me most are those of Brazil, Spain, England, Argentina and also France, plus a few other national teams for sympathy.

  5. My country also doesnt feature in the WC and I probably support the African nation with the prettiest jersey

  6. Probably not, but frankly even when Italy was in it I would mostly watch it with my dad, or if it was in a big screen in the city, usually I just looked at the results after. I would never miss a final or semi final. To me its more a social event than about football, which is why Italy being out of it kind of spoils it for me. If I don’t have the chance to meet with fellow Italians in London or in case I’m in Italy mingle with others in coastal city, and cheer together, there is no point

    I will be cheering culturally close countries like Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Greece (if they are in it) and so on. Basically a southern European or South American country

    I also live in England so maybe them, last time Italy was out and England was in, I was in Uni and I reacted rather childishly and couldn’t wait for them to be kicked out, so I wouldn’t have to have their happiness rubbed in my face. Usually I find it far more satisfying to cheer against countries rather than for them (most likely the one of the last tourist that has annoyed me)

  7. A lot of this WC stinks to me (due to all the scandals and violations of human rights), so I’m glad we are not playing.

    This is one I’m glad to miss, but most likely will still end up watching a few matches, especially if Belgium will do well.

  8. If it was a “normal” World Cup I would still watch it to see the best players in the world, and probably would end up supporting an underdog (for example, I really enjoyed how Switzerland played in the last euro or Croatia in the last World Cup)

    But I can’t watch this World Cup in Qatar. I really hoped we would boycott it, but we “decided” to be out of it the easier way…

  9. I wont see any game, while our team will be there…. afaik.

    Qatar ist just a shitty country, wont support them in any way.

  10. Nope. I even skipped Russia 2018. I’ll do the same. While I watched like 90% of ALL matches of Euro 2020

  11. Italians must feel so much closer to their team, now that they can watch the World Cup together with them on TV. It surely makes for a great bond ;o)

  12. No.

    I don’t like soccer enough to watch an entire tournament. Even if Italy was participating I would have watched finals and semi finals only. And only if Italy was competing.

  13. My husband and I will certainly be watching some of the games. I usually root for the team whose play style I like best and also pick an underdog who performs better than expected (there’s always one). Spain was our favourite team among our opponents at the last Euros, so they’re one team I’m sure I’ll be rooting for. Also, several players from our local team were selected for their national teams, so we’ll be keeping an eye on them and root for them, too.

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