Men what is the best way to help you after a hard day?

  1. Depends on the guy. Most will say leave them alone for a bit, but I’d like to talk. You know your dude, and just ask if you aren’t sure.

  2. Give him a warm greeting/hug….if there are daily chores he normally does try to do them for him…try not to pepper him with 100 questions…have his favorite drink waiting for him if he drinks…bedtime — cuddle him…offer to do something for him if he’s interested.

  3. Gentle touch and understanding.

    We had a hard day, a simple hug, and understanding why I might not be in the best mood can work wonders

  4. Manage to come up with a dinner plan. Ask me where I’d like to go for dinner and if I say “I don’t care”, come up with something yourself. You know what I like, just go get me a plate of pad Thai or tacos or whatever.

  5. If you’re the stay at home type wife or have an easier job than your husband what I want is for you to not make me make any decisions. It’s been 8-12 hours of decisions, I now have decision fatigue. Any dinner is fine, any show is fine, anything you like is fine. Take those decisions away from me, don’t ask my input.

  6. I do this thing basically every day after work that involves me sitting in silence for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on just how rough the day was. I may have my phone out, I may not.

    During this time I’d like to be left to just exist in silence.

    Once I start moving around again or initiate conversation I’m open to interaction for the rest of the night.

  7. Give me at least 30 minutes of alone time to de-people.

    Then other things like talking about it might be good but I need that gap.

  8. Don’t talk to me much, take care of the responsibilities for that day that would normally be mine and feed me something hot that’s not from outside. Simple..

  9. *”Men what is the best way to help you after a hard day?”*

    Ask said man.

    When you get into a relationship with a man one of the questions YOU SHOULD ASK is that question. Be sure to ask this during the normal flow of a conversation and not when he has had a hard day. After a hard day he most likely won’t be in a good headspace to give you a answer.

    And then do exactly that.


  10. I’m not accustomed to people giving a shit about my bad days.

    Apathy is fine.

  11. Be there in my space showing me that you care and that it sucks but also letting the sadness sit and not try to fix it.

  12. All I want is a hug, a kiss, a “Welcome home. I’m just about to start on supper”, a cold beverage, and to chill. There aren’t many things I can say that mean more than the “Thank you.” when that’s how I’m greeted when I get home after a hard day.

  13. Come and sit my lap, say “Love you”, put your head to my chest and let me rest in peace just like that.

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