My (24F) boyfriend (33M) and I have very similar jobs, we just work for different companies in different cities but do essentially the same thing. He has about 7 more years of experience than me (experience = bigger salary each year) and gets paid a really good salary with a super relaxed schedule and minimal workload. I on the other hand, make only a third of what he makes, work 10-12 hour days and have to get up at 5am each morning. It’s been really bothering me that we have pretty much the same job but I’m slaving away every day while he gets to relax and sleep in. He’s literally doing half the work for triple the money than me, and it’s been super discouraging for me since I try very hard and take my job seriously while he doesn’t as much.

I’m really happy for him that he gets to make so much money for not doing that much, that would definitely be great if we chose to spend our lives together and start a family, etc. But somehow it makes me dread my lifestyle even more since I’m kind of struggling financially and working my butt off while my boyfriend is just chilling. Finding another job isn’t really an option, I actually love where I work and know I will eventually be making close to what he makes in several years’ time, but it’s just hard right now when I’m struggling to keep my head above the water. I feel bad for having these feelings of jealousy and frustration.

TL;DR: My boyfriend and I have similar jobs but he makes way more than I make for doing less work. I feel kind of bad but I am a little frustrated and jealous since I am working so hard.

1 comment
  1. i mean i’m sure he was working his butt off for peanuts when he was your age too. this is a huge nothingburger, find something else to worry about

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