What was your childhood like? Any interesting insight to share on what it’s like to have a very young mother?

  1. I always felt like she missed the opportunity to really live her life and accomplish her own goals. It was never spoken out loud, but there’s just a sense that she’s never experienced self-fulfillment. My dad was in medical school and working on the side so she had to drop out of school to watch my sister and I. She was still figuring out how to be an adult and manage her own emotions, all the while having to care for the emotions of two other little humans. Overall I’m grateful for the sacrifices that she’s made, but seeing how difficult it was for her really scared me into being child-free. Our relationship now is pretty distant, but I think we’re both comfortable that way.

  2. It’s really great. We were always close, but I feel closer to her now as an adult. Her and my dad are still together too. I’m in my 20s now and we still regularly plan hangouts to go plant shopping or getting lunch at our favorite spot. I do feel a bit bad that I cut into her time to go out and explore the world, but once me and my brother moved out of the house, her and my dad take trips all the time!

  3. We lived in a shack for the first three years of my life. I am the second kid of three during that time. She finally reached out to her parents and they helped support us and got us moved back home. She was always so vocal about discrimination and equity and taught her daughters to think critically, which I’m thankful for. Then she divorced my dad and became a crazy religious person.

    We don’t have any relationship now.

  4. She’s dead now and didn’t raise me because drugs were more important at the time. I had a pretty good relationship with her as an adult though.

  5. Feels distant. I resent her poor choices and she seems a little jealous of the life I’m choosing to have (not having kids young/ maybe not at all)

  6. She passed last September. She was wacky, creative and loved nature. We grew up together and she never really got to be a teen, so in her mid 30s she acted like a teenager. When I was 17 we were roommates and I actually grounded her after she made a comment about having sex with 2 men in one day.

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