My husband is a wonderful man but he has low libido. Thinking about him while touching myself is a bit frustrating. Is it okay if I imagined myself with someone else?

  1. It’s not cheating. It’s perfectly natural to fantasize about people other than your partner.

  2. Don’t most people do this all the time? Seems normal. It’s your thoughts.

  3. Cheating is whatever you and your partner define as cheating for your particular relationship, but personally I think it’s wrong-bordering-on-abusive to say that “thought crimes” can be cheating.

    Can they be an indication that something is amiss in the relationship? Sure, sometimes. Are they cheating? IMO, no. Your thoughts are a private space in which you get to do what you want.

  4. Fantasizing is just that, enjoy your “O”. I will add to have an open, loving and constructive conversation with your spouse. Perhaps he has low T or perhaps there may be a deeper issue that needs to be discussed.

  5. Sounds pretty standard to me. Only thing id be wary of is fantasizing about people you know. Seems risky building up someone in your mind. Especially since your SO wont ever be able to compete with that. Other than that (and thats still possible depending on you) id say Go for it and enjoy some nice orgasms!!!! Very important imo. And yeah… Like others said… Dont tell your man. Dont say names out loud.

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