Forget about zodiac signs what is your ideal fortress defence strategy?

  1. Tech level? Fortress location? Expected opposition? Fortress design / layout?

    Give me something to work with.

  2. higgs boson collider, so that I can go back in time and change the outcome to whatever I want

  3. Natural cave system in a mountain artificially expanded by tunnelers. Underground mushroom farms and subterranean springs for food, water, and ale. A lava pump, aka project Fuck The World, to coat the surrounding countryside in liquid hot magma. The only thing that could bring me down is a series of blunders and bad luck causing everyone to murder each, get set on fire, or murder each other while on fire.

    Strike the earth!

  4. Star fort on elevated ground inside of another star fort, with a large tower in the center that provides views of the whole fort and enables leadership to coordinate fort wide defense.

    Exterior walls have small slits that allow spearmen to make attacks on enemy forces that get too close to the walls, as well as a handful of small sally ports.

    Moat surrounding exterior walls, deep enough to make it challenging to tunnel under the walls.

    Mix of crossbow archers and longbow archers on walls, for both close up and ranged attacks, and backed up by teams that can deploy cauldrons full of green fire on the massed formations below.

    Trebuchets on rotating platforms on each corner of the stars, that can fling buckets of rolling metal balls for taking out massed infantry formations.

    Obviously, the fort will need to be built on top of an underground cistern so it has its own independent water supply that cannot be easily cut off.

  5. i would like an underground dwarven compound that can close up and keep everyone out except when i want hookers and blow.

  6. I follow the tried and true method from game of thrones later seasons. Starting with placing trebuchets infront of troops and any defensive structures.

  7. I do not understand the question, what do zodiac sings have to do with fortresses?

  8. Just build a decoy fortress, leave the front door open, and fill it with remotely-activated explosives.

  9. For defence, I’d have to get a crew of guys. Would need a lot of strong hands and maybe some heavy machinery to remove all of the fences around a fortress…

  10. Honestly, if you’re supposed to withstand a siege I’d make a castle so that there is a big moat with fresh water (and probably water basins spread around the castle to catch rain water) surrounded by big walls which guards huge amounts of grassland for my farmers to farm on and a small keep for myself and my household.

    The point here is being able to have access to enough food and water to outlast the siege.

  11. We doing a mott and baily (spelling?). A big tower/house with attached village. Wall goes all around both but the tower is separate and better defended. So if you want to kill us you are going to have to get past the walls, then enter the tower through 1 easily defended entrance. We like being outdoors, we’ll have archers out on top. A few lads with javelins and round shields to hold the doors. My house will be the tower clearly, and we’ll make the walls from trees from the local woods.

  12. First off, Swastikas. Everywhere, all the walls. Put some slumbering old norse zombie warriors with axes and rusty spears under the carpet in the mudroom. As the opponents step on the norses they spring into action.

    Put serving trays with choloate pralines, filled with tin foil. As the enemy horde chews on the tin foil they get these pangs of pain shooting through their skulls.

  13. I like arrows that BURN WITH OIL!

    “Lower the bridge, Stand down: SHOOT!”

    “Open the gates! CHARGE!!!”

    *Epic fight*

    Thats how I like my fiction fights. With swords, witchery and cavalry.

  14. I would look for a very specific location of my fortress. A steep mountain with ideally a large cave running through it. The keep would be in the cave and actually where everyone has fun. On top of the mountain would feature high walls and some oppressive architecture.

    I want my adversaries to think that besieging it is simply too much of a hassle to deal with.

  15. Twelve point star fortress, with an inner wall higher than the outer, a dry moat, towers at each point and valley of the star, slingers instead of archers to make sure ammunition is never a problem, torsion catapults at each point of the star to attack any siege engines, camouflaged sally ports on each wall with a massive stone suspended above the inside of each to be dropped to seal the door if enemies force it, braziers on top of the walls to heat sand and oil, stones piled ready to throw down on attackers, all built on a hilltop, with only a single path to the top, and a natural spring within the fort

  16. Castle atop a mountian with one way up due to terrain. Its covered in evergreen trees. There is a network of tunnels and passages below and throughout. The one way up is littered with traps, barriers, and plagued by soldiers with gorilla tactics. We have strong walls and ranged defense, from arrows to cannons and catapults. Theres a strong frontline force behind the wall in the event the path and ranged defense dont strike a strong enough blow to end their assault, or for cleanup if we succeed

  17. Rectangles within rectangles. Get the boys together. Crack open a few cold ones while we throw rocks down the walls.

  18. Star Pattern, with a tower on each of the five points. One way in, with the path circleing the fortress. The path is walled on both sides, allowing archers to pelt down with arrows with relative ease.

    Also, to even get to the path, they have to cross a moat with a drawbridge. Gotta have a moat with a drawbridge.

    There is a secret exit, but tell no one about it.

  19. extended motte and bailey style on large basalt precipice with sharp drop off to the sea on one side. concentric walls with round turrets every 100 feet on 3 other sides…20 ft 1st wsll, 50 ft second wall
    Double ditches with pikes and ankle breakers. outside that, the ground should fall to the bailey area, enclosed by a curtain wall with moat outside it. Single winding road with multiple double barbicon choke points

  20. Location, location, location, death traps at the only place of entry, where Archer’s can hit you from any possible angle. There are probably more, but I can’t remember any atm.

  21. Stealth. I want to hide. I don’t want to fight. I never want to fight. I want to be at peace. Ideally I’d be protected but hidden.

    In my current location, I have an unfinished basement absolutely stuffed with dirt. I’m talking like 80% is just dirt stacked nearly as high as me. Make a tunnel in the corner, make a bunker, boom. Good to go.

    If people know where I am and I need an actual fortification, the secret is fire. Napalm isn’t that hard to make. That’ll stop any sort of infantry. If they’ve gone so far as to have fireproof gear, at least they’re an easy target.

    Then we have tanks and the like, which thermite will go right through. Missiles and other large ordinances are easy to spot. Some tanks are quite resistant to mines (which would not be excluded either) but I don’t know of anything that’ll reliably keep thermite off. That plus napalm pretty much ruins anything nearby.

    The ultimate problem is planes. Sure there’s AA systems, but they aren’t perfect. Even if you, for example, blow a nuke out of the air? You’re still gonna get irradiated.

    For zombies? Prob the first one. They aren’t smart. If they can’t see/smell/hear you they won’t try to get through shit. Fake wall the basement door, add the bunker as I described before for backup and noise deadening, and as long as you have enough supplies you’re good.

  22. Extremely camouflaged. Make it look like a hillside, something you have to know is there or you’ll never see it. Totally invisible. Security through obscurity.

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