Outside of toxic or abusive relationships, why did you go no contact with an ex after you broke up?

  1. Because I simply had no reason to interact with them anymore. I’m not interested with being friends with exes.

  2. We didn’t see the point of continuing to interact. We broke up because of incompatibility and we didn’t get along well enough to try and be friends after.

    I’ve only stayed friends with people that were already friends with me before we started dating.

  3. * They were too emotionally attached to me and would be unable to move on with their lives as long as I was in their lives.
    * I didn’t have any reason or desire to retain and continue contact because we were no longer together.
    * I wanted a clean break.

  4. Because they are my ex. It’s called a break-up because it’s broken. Why would I want to be friends with that person?

  5. Because I didn’t want to talk to them, and had no reason to. I guess they felt the same, because they never tried contacting me either.

  6. It’s the healthy thing to do. Only one of my exes has and will remain for life no contact, blocked on everything. The rest were no contact for the period of time in until i was over the break up and felt neutral towards them. It helps you heal and move on faster. Allows the rose color glasses to fall off, especially if you were the dumpee. Allows time for reflection, growth, and for emotions to settle.

  7. I don’t talk to liars, cheaters, thieves, or people who lack integrity.

    So no – when the ex proved that they were not of good caliber and that they are just a subhuman masquerading as a good human – they got they ass YEETED

  8. The closer I got to the age he was when we dated, the more disgusted in him I became. 17, 21.

  9. A mutual friend told me he was telling everyone who would listen lurid details about our sex life.

    He weirdly thought disparaging me to other women would make them like him? They just thought he was creepy.

    Years and years later he friended me, and then tried to get me to hook up with him because he wasn’t having sex with his girlfriend at the time.

    So I blocked him

  10. I’ve never intentionally gone no contact, but there’s exes I haven’t talked to since we broke up. We just didn’t have a lot to keep us talking to each other and don’t run into each other.

  11. I knew he would try to find ways to win me back or grab my attention. I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to have the space to heal myself if I always had to care about how he felt, especially if I wanted to start dating again. Past me was smart.

  12. I knew to move on I couldn’t have him in my peripheral vision. He texted me probably 9/10 mo after the breakup and I deleted it before I could read it. I don’t know if I regretted that or just more wondered what it said, but it was the healthiest choice for me.

  13. Even though the relationship wasn’t toxic or abusive, the breakup devastated me and i still hold a lot of resentment towards my ex. I wouldn’t be able to say anything nice even if my life depended on it.

  14. Because after ending it via text. He contacted me a few weeks later asking about my weekend like nothing had happened. Then again over a year later, to tell me he’d been quit drinking and to apologise for treating me like shite.

    For me when it’s over there’s usually nothing left to discuss. It’s easier to block than having an ex resurface months or years later.

  15. I go no contact after ever breakup because it’s the fastest way to heal and move on with my life

    Also, makes sure I don’t give into the temptation of reaching out to them in a weak moment, when I know it’s just prolonging the heartbreak period

  16. To break that tie to him, when he did not know how he felt, after so long. Sad, but needed to move on.

  17. I’ve always had friendship and romantic interests or relationships separate in my mind. So if it ended, we were done with each other. Plus, we were really young and immature.
    It was a romantic relationship in our teens, and neither of us felt that the friendship was important enough to deal with the awkwardness.
    I have no ill will towards him, I have only wished him good things, and we are cordial when we cross paths.

    I’ve only had one adult relationship, and we are still going strong. *knock on wood*

  18. My ex put two of our dogs to sleep since I couldn’t take them with me when I moved.

  19. Cheating.

    But also I think it’s easier to get over someone by going no contact. Just because I don’t loath someone doesn’t mean I want them in my life.

  20. My boyfriend broke up with me because during the two week semester break I wanted to visit my home town. The break was autumn and all saints or day of the death. My mother died when I was 3, my grandfather who raised me up died when I was 7 so this was a very important time of the year for me and I wanted to visit their graves.

    He broke up with me over it. I couldn’t be more greatful that he showed me what kind of person he is. Needless to say it was easy to move on from it.

  21. I am not looking to be friends with an ex. Even if an ex wasn’t abusive, there are still potentially hurtful things they did that lead me to resent them a bit, and honestly that resentment helps me move on. And despite the resentment, there’s an attachment I have to work to let die. Regularly seeing or talking to an ex is not going to undo an attachment.

  22. Cold Turkey is how I like to cut things out in my life in general. Nothing personal.

  23. Clean break, no mutual friends. One specific ex I couldn’t view him as anything other than a big baby who expected to be taken care of (made me stomach curl) and he kept harassing me about seeing *my* dog. As if it’s a dog we got to together lol wtf

  24. Once someone bothers you in a relationship, you can’t unsee their flaws. You break up with someone because you see more bad than good, so all of the bad is still annoying, and anything that was somewhat annoying that you managed to overlook while you were in a relationship…well, now it just reminds you of how annoying they were in general. They can often just straight-up piss you off.

  25. I just don’t see the point of keeping exes in my life and I don’t date people who are in contact with their exes. Much less drama and anxiety.

  26. Kept bothering me with innocuous messages. And after a while I had no reason to contact them anymore.

  27. They no longer sparked joy and I had no reason to interact with them. I didn’t block them or anything, I just didn’t engage and didn’t set an expectation that I’d answer

  28. I was friends with my ex after we broke up (just texting, far away so not actually hanging out). Started talking to my current bf and it wasn’t right to be talking to my ex. Plus, all I was doing was reassuring my ex that he’ll find someone new. It was weird.

  29. Because I’m not trying to be like one of the exs that he still kept in contact with while we were dating lol… I resented it and couldn’t understand why he felt the need, and now he constantly reaches out to me “friendly” all the time and I just stonewall. Honestly think the guy can’t handle the thought of someone not wanting anything to do with him, even after a break up.

  30. It’s just too hard to be friends. It’s difficult to turn feelings off. We would take turns wanting to get back together, but never at the same time. Worst of all, it’s difficult to watch them move on.

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