I ask this as I seem to go in this little circle where I meet women who aren’t capable of loving me the way I need to be loved, for either just differences in morals and how they go about things or more of their incapability of things that are really important to me like communication, and thusthe relationship goes to someplace akin to fwb. However once this happens, and especially sex takes place, I start to form a real attachment and a real care for them and this is usually all fine as the care, attraction, and attachment is mutual/shared. However, once the relationship meets conflict (like all relationships do at some point) everything kind of falls apart and that care and attachment becomes misplaced in a sort of way, like as if it should’ve never been there, and it’s made known by the nature of the relationship within that conflict, and the partner I’m with.

Like yea let’s literally sleep together, spend time together, laugh, hang out, go on dates, have crazy passionate sex but once it’s time to be emotionally available and work through a conflict it’s time to buck and clash. Then I don’t want to give up the person because I don’t want to give up the sex or them, but then I’m staying in a place where I have to somewhat limit myself emotionally, or convince myself like yea just keep it cool have sex and leave it there.

I’m fully aware that these type of partners could never actually be my actually committed partner unless they changed (or I), which is a unrealistic expectation to ask of anyone. But I will admit the hope resides in the back of my head that in time (insert girls name here) could step up, but I do keep myself grounded and realistic that that’s mostly not gonna happens.

Anyways I wondered if anyone ever made the fwb work for what it was, while still being emotionally cared for and working through things without it falling apart, or is it just that what I’m looking for is a relationship in a place that doesn’t give that, cause I want to change to get what it is I want to be satisfied in my romantic relationships.

I am a very emotionally intelligent and communicative person, and I don’t know if me self-stating that sounds bad lol but it is true, my therapist has told me that, partners, friends, family, etc, and if I’m being honest I believe I’d be much more willing to be in a committed relationship where I have all these things that I have with a fwb, but I’m starting to edge on the point of not giving a fuck anyways or being apathetic to its prospect, as it’s like no matter where it is I go, the people around me all seem to very disconnected from their emotions, or lack the capability to be vulnerable and/or communicate them and share them.

Edit: I’d also like to know how to make fwb work while still actually being a friend without I guess falling to heavily emotion wise? Like what’s the method? I don’t think I’m that cold enough to just fuck someone and leave

1 comment
  1. The reason it’s a FWB relationship and not a serious, monogamous, romantic relationship is for one reason or another, and most of the time that reason is going to be because one or both of you are emotionally unavailable, whether willingly or unwillingly. But I think it can be done between two people who are capable of emotionally compartmentalizing, communicate expectations and boundaries upfront, yet have external circumstances that prevent them from having a long-term relationship.

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