We just realised our little girls passport won’t be valid for long enough after our holiday (End of June) to cover the 3 months needed for validity. I just registered online for a renewal, which is supposedly 10 weeks. (But is it… I dunno, a simple renewal should be less in reality!?)

I’ve only done this in the last hour, obviously not sent off the old passport yet etc. Should I (Can I??) abandon this route and just go to a passport office visit on a 7 day appointment? I Saw in a few places it’s possible to upgrade an existing application if it’s taking too long?

  1. Passport renewal is a mess because so many people did not renew during lockdowns. Try a staycation if you can.

  2. You can book an appointment at a passport office or pay for a quicker fast track turnaround – details at [https://www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently](https://www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently). I have heard reports that this quicker service is also experiencing delays at the moment, so the sooner you can book in the better.

  3. I got my new passport back a few days ago, and it took a month from posting my old passport to receiving the new one (and it also said upto 10 weeks).

    So you’ll probably be fine if you renewed it the standard way. But as the holiday is probably more than the price difference to get a fast track passport, I would get the fast track one if you can.

  4. I think you’ll almost certainly be fine. Just get it done today and be damn sure there’s nothing you’ve missed or that might get picked up as non-standard (e.g. dodgy photo) and you should be laughing. In my experience, even at busy times it’s more like 3-4 weeks.

  5. fast track. The passport service is slammed at the moment and I really wouldn’t chance it with the 10 week return time.

    Source : 5 weeks ago booked a holiday and realised my passport expired last year. I fly in 1 week. Couldn’t get an appointment at my local passport office for 2 weeks when I looked either.

  6. It was only about 4 weeks when I renewed recently. If you’re a gambler your probably fine

  7. My daughter’s passport took 3/4 weeks – it arrived last week and I applied for it beginning of April. I even had the same warning as you about the background being too similar in colour to her face. I just put in the box “she’s very pale – it’s the best we can do!” And it got approved.

  8. the passport office has been backlogged for weeks now. Bassically no chance of getting it renewed in time. Either find a babysitter and leave the kid, or change you holiday plans to not need a passport.

  9. My girlfriend sent hers off for renewal 3-4 weeks ago and the new one came back yesterday.

    Not that this is a guarantee in your case but you should be okay.

  10. Have just renewed mine, took 3½ weeks from doing the application online to receiving my new one.

  11. I recently got my renewed passport back within 3 weeks, I was given 10 weeks as a guide as well

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