I have a wonderful husband I love and today is our anniversary and he’s been so wonderful to me but unfortunately I’m battling an illness. My libido is DEAD. And I have many other symptoms on top. I don’t look different but I feel different so he’s still always super attracted to me. I’ve bought him a few different sex toys that I use on him but I personally don’t want sex at the moment. Today is our anniversary and he’s made me a delicious brunch, cared for me, and just been super sweet over all. I’m not feeling well enough to go out to celebrate so we’re staying in. I feel incredibly guilty. I want to give him the world but all I could do is express my admiration verbally, give him kisses and hugs, and I gave him a (excuse a TMI) fleshlight massage and will probably give another but I still feel like it’s not enough. He deserves a full connection that we both miss so much but I just can’t give that to him. What else can I do? I feel like because I’m sick and he’s been so sweet I’m in debt and need to do something as well.

  1. Sex and intimacy are sometimes the same but not always. I would recommend being truly intimate with him. Make him feel like he’s the only man in the world for you and nothing but the best. Connect on a deeper level that no other people can.

  2. Folks she need some advice not a discussion why sex is not possible.

    As a husband sex is only a part of the relationship.I think your husband know you and the situation your in and supports you.

    Do the same for him. Cuddle with him, give Kisses, tell him how much you love and appreciate him.

    Maybe you can do something new together depends what hobby/interests he has. Break your routine and suprises him. I think there’s ton of possibilities to some nice activity. Let your imagination play.

  3. Has he expressed concerns about your lack of a mutually engaging sex life, or are you guessing/assuming/projecting? And is this something you will be experiencing as the new normal moving forward, or is it possible for your libido to return after your illness has run its course?

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