People who’d be considered young adults(19-25ig?), do you feel like that age?

  1. As the title, I see people all over social media, and irl, having babies at 21, getting married at 22, having jobs at 16, and when I think about all of it, I still feel like I’m not ready at all. Even dating, boys and sex. People my age talk about it so casually and are doing all of it, drinking, partying. It just seems so odd to me.

    Ik I’m responsible as per my age. I can cook, look after the house, look after myself, travel to places alone, shop alone, go on trips with people, and even take mature decision provided they do not fall in the above mentioned categories. I can study rocket science (no literally) but I feel I’m a child when it comes to all those normal things people my age do😭I just feel I’m not growing up. When I think of marriage, I feel ew, I’m still a baby. It blows my mind when I realize my mom had me when she was just four more years elder to me and had gotten married at 22!🥲when I was a child, 19,20 always seemed big numbers of age to me, now that I’m 19,😭😭idk how I still feel 11??

  2. Currently 28. The idea of a baby right now terrifies me and I don’t see that changing in the near future. Not dating but I still feel too young to decide I’d want to marry someone, how do I know what I want for the rest of my life?!

    You’re definitely not alone. I like to remember life isn’t a race by any means. Do what feels right for you.

  3. I’m 19. I both feel like 19 and not so much. The age itself checks out, the fact that I’m legally considered an adult does not.

    It’s kind of a weird stage in life, some people start maturing and considering serious relationships, while others still feel too young to do adult stuff.

    I’m somewhere in between. I want to have fun and see the world, but I want that with a consistent partner, which I do have at the moment fortunately. I have no desire to date around and party like most people my age.

    I’m engaged but my partner and I won’t actually get married until our mid to late twenties and wouldn’t start a family sooner than that either (so no, we aren’t rushing anything that’s difficult to reverse).

    He’s 20 now. The age difference between us is only 11 months but it feels so weird (?) to be in a relationship with someone who’s not a teen anymore even though I know I’m nowhere near being too young for him and we’ve been together for years. Doesn’t bother me, I just need to get used to the fact that I won’t remain a teenager for long anymore either.

    Also it’s hard to get used to the fact that people my age drink to have fun (the drinking age in my country is 18). I’ve never been drunk before and plan to keep it that way.

    So yeah, I feel like both.

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