what’s an underrated song that changed history?

  1. Changed history might be a stretch but The “Fish” Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag by Country Joe and the Fish is very representative of Woodstock and the sentiments felt by a generation of people that were coming of age in the 60s.

  2. Im a huge Nirvana fan but SLTS really isnt my favourite song, but the impact that song had on music, fashion, youth culture in general was huge.

    Dylans “The Times they are a Changing” in 1964 was a work of genius, foretelling and influencing the entire counter culture movement of 1966-1970.

    “Johnny B Goode” by Chuck Berry possibly the most influential song of all time.

    But you kids probably have never heard of any of these 🤣

  3. Val van de Berlijnse Muur is verbonden met David “Knight Rider” Hasselhoff: Looking for Freedom

  4. The “Deutschlandlied” by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, based on the melody from Haydn

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