I moved in with my girlfriend half a year ago. Initially, she didn’t want me to pay any rent, and we didn’t have any serious conversations about it. After a few months, she asked me to pay half of the mortgage she pays on her place. It seemed fair to me and I agreed.

Now, half a year after we moved in, she’s asking me to pay proportionally to our income (I make more than she does). Also, she’s currently looking for a job, so until she finds one, she wants me to cover the entire amount.

I’m totally okay with paying the full amount for a few months because I didn’t pay any rent in the beginning and was basically living with her for free.

However, I’m not sure if I’m willing to split the rent proportionally after that because the rent is much higher (and the place is fancier) than what I would normally rent.

Also, until now, I have covered almost all of our other expenses (about 90%), including food, car rental, vacation, going out, buying clothes, etc.

I want to change the expense split, if not to 50/50 for everything, then at least to an income-based split, and my gf doesn’t like it.

What should I do and what is a fair way to split our expenses?


TL;DR; : What is a fair way to split the expenses with my gf and is it okay to start splitting everything if I used to pay for everything myself?

  1. This isn’t even remotely believable. Try harder with your fiction writing.

  2. Does she own the place you are staying?

    Also, what rent would you be paying if you had your own place?


    This stuff is not pleasant to discuss but it will be good for you to learn to negotiate a win-win situation with her.

    I do think you should pay the whole rent if she’s spending her days looking for a new job.

  3. I am confused, first you mentioned mortgage, later you said rent? Either way,, you need to explain to her that this place is far fancier, and more expensive than you would pick… Therefore, perhaps the two of you can move to a new placed, that wasn’t hers first… It’s a great way to start a living together arrangement… If she says no,, than you need to explain that you are already paying for so many other things, her new idea of payment proportionately won’t work for you… Really, lots of this needs to be worked out since it wasn’t in the beginning..

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