I mean some foreign person comes to the US and has 90 days to marry someone to not get deported and gets a green card? How common is that?

  1. Never. The reason shows like 90DF is popular is because it’s so out there and isn’t normal. You will not normally ever see someone marry within 90 days of knowing someone, which is usually only done for foreigners trying to get a fastpass to US citizenship, which also isn’t common for people to see though it does happen.

    Though, such things happens in other countries too. Look at 90DF: The Other Way for it happening in other countries.

  2. I dated a girl in college and after a couple weeks of us going out she asked if I could marry her sister. I said no and that’s the last time I saw her. (shrug)

  3. I knew a girl here who had a green card marriage. She was from Russia, he was a kid from the Midwest. They got married so she could stay. I don’t think they really knew each other well or anything.

    Sadly I think he did love her, but she either fell out of love with him, or… Well anyway she didn’t like him by the time I met them.

    She was biding her time till they could divorce and she could marry her new boyfriend.

  4. Not exactly. I do know a few people who have what you might call a mail order bride. One met on the internet And another was in the military and met his wife overseas

  5. I did help my friend plan/help with her wedding that she only had 6 weeks to get everything ready, but that was an extreme situation and even then they had been engaged over a year. But no, not common at all.

  6. I’ve know a few people that have gotten married for green cards, but not in 90 days.

    I did know a few guys while I was in the Army that got married after only a few weeks or maybe a couple of months of knowing their partners. Dumb privates mostly.

  7. It’s not that common but I’ve seen it a few times but not by people I know. I’m in Vegas a lot and those drive through wedding venues are still very much in business. If you stay at the Strat or the Sahara on the weekends you can usually find a couple who just got married 2 blocks away at one of the little wedding venues and is now gambling and celebrating. A good portion of these couples just met days or weeks beforehand sometimes hours.

  8. My wife’s parents got married a month after they met and started dating. Their eldest son did the math on his age and their wedding date and called shenanigans. They remained married until my wife’s dad passed in 2012.

  9. I was offered a good chunk of money to marry a friend’s Brazilian cousin. I would have done it if I wasn’t in a committed relationship.

  10. I’ve never seen the show but I’ve heard about it. The 90 day visa is called a fiancé visa and is used legitimately by couples. My husband and I used it so we could marry each other in the USA and live here together. We were already engaged and applied for the fiancé visa rather than the marriage visa because it meant we could be living together sooner. When I flew to the US from the UK we then made arrangements to marry within that time in accordance with the terms of the visa. Like I said, I’ve never seen the show but I’m guessing it’s been dramatized for TV? I’m in a few expats groups online and see plenty of other regular couples using it.

  11. My friend had to get married in 90 days to his now wife but only because she was coming on a K-1 visa.

    They had already known each other for years, dated, and proposed. They just had to time the wedding so she would come here on the K-1 and then have the wedding within 90 days and apply for a green card after the wedding.

  12. A *90-Day Fiancee* situation is very rare, and most of the time the couple knows each other for a while before that 90-day period. It’s basically unheard of for people who live in two different countries to go from strangers to spouses in 3 months or less.

    A lot of people do know someone who got married this way and might not realize it, though! If you’re not a foreign national married to a US citizen (or vice versa), you probably don’t know much about the K visa, Green Cards, etc because you don’t have any reason to.

  13. I know someone who got an arranged marriage, but they both were born and raised here.

    I also know some immigrants who got arranged marriages, but they got married back home and then came here together.

  14. I mean, I know people who have been here on that visa but they’ve all dated for a long time before that. Most people use tourist visas while they’re dating to go back and forth to each other’s country then just use the 90 day visa for the wedding.

  15. I got married in a bit over 90 days. First date in January, engaged three weeks later in February, married three months later in May.

    I met him in November, so I had known him eight weeks before we started dating. We’ve been very happy for 30 years now😊.

    I’m not a foreigner and didn’t need a green card, I just loved him and needed the rest of my life to begin as soon as possible.

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