What do you guys feel about climate change?

  1. It’s currently one of, if not the most serious threats to human civilization, and the fact that its very existence is still a relatively common debate is utterly mindblowing, and indicative of the crucial importance of scientific education.

    It seems pretty clear that we’ve lost our chance to fully reverse the effects of what we’ve done to the environment over the last couple centuries, and that all we can hope for now is to somehow contain and limit the damage as best we can, something that’s not going to be possible on the necessary global scale unless we see some immediate, epochal shifts in the political, economic, and technological realms, shifts that don’t seem very likely anytime soon.

  2. I don’t believe the world will end in 20 years, we’ve done a lot to address it, we still have a lot to do, we should severely reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and more people should take it seriously.

  3. It’s a major problem, and we should be rolling out renewable and nuclear energy a lot faster to combat it.

  4. I feel like it’s an urgent problem that doesn’t seem to be getting the attention it should by the people who can actually do something about it.

  5. It’s real. Both man made and natural but the problems stem moreso from man made actions. Certain environmental impacts probably already here. Not as serious as hardcore environmentalists or Twitter makes it out to be (aka we’re all going to die in 20 years and need to get rid of cars or create car free zones or become ecoterrorists to save the planet). Actions already taken to address it currently and in the future. Countries that did not make the wrong path a decade back should look into nuclear. Should theoretically be resolved by the end of the century.

  6. I’ll believe its being taken seriously when the next climate summit happens over Zoom.

  7. It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. Time I had some time alone.

  8. Pretty indifferent. Even the biggest proponents of fighting climate change are buying beachfront properties and galavanting in private jets generating more carbon emissions than I ever will. Then you have the silly greens in Germany decommissioning nuclear plants which just increases dependency on coal (ironically more radioactive) and fossil fuels (hence all the funding from Putin). Clearly no one thinks this is a serious issue or that it won’t be simply solved with regular human ingenuity. Hell, DAC and CCUSs which are still in their infancy are already cheaper and more effective than AOC’s Green New Deal proposal; and the price tag keeps falling. If anything, as long as actual innovators are continuing to solve the problem, I’m quite oppose to most government solutions that have been toss out like preventing any new oil wells from being drilled in the US (supported by all 2020 Democrat presidential nominees except Bloomberg despite being one of Putin’s biggest wishes), shutting down nuclear plants (see California or Germany), destroying quality of life (no gas stoves, eat less meat, etc), or simply eugenics (thankfully supported by only the radicals so far). There’s a lot of bad ideas that are significantly worse than climate change. Hopefully the good ideas can be built and implemented before we let fools attempt to kill us all.

    Edit: Just to add, Nordhaus, who received the Nobel Prize for his work on climate change economics, also showed that bad solutions to fight climate change can be many times more devastating than climate change itself. That’s not to say that good solutions shouldn’t be strived for, but oh boy there’s a lot of arguing in favor of solutions that are actually worse than the problem.

  9. I’m seriously worried about it. I’m more worried about the destruction of the wilderness in general though, through deforestation and habitat destruction and other means including climate change.

  10. Tell all the big companies and Uber rich people with all the money to do more they are the ones ruining everything just to make money and screwing us over

  11. Tbh – only random thoughts.


    * It’s bigger than me. Bigger than any one country, but we can’t let that be an excuse.
    * We are certainly seeing some of it now. Wondering when it is going to get really noticeable though. When will people actually start migrating.
    * How fast can we implement changes? How can we create products that serve needs but also clean the environment at the same time? E.g. you create cars that take in air and push out exhaust that is cleaner than the intake.
    * EVs – we had to go with something, but EVs are NOT as environmentally friendly as people think (work in Automotive)
    * Something new to fight with China about. As the developed world gets aggressive, there is going to be a lot of pushback from countries that are still transitioning their economies.

  12. It’s a very complex subject that I don’t think we fully understand, yet throw massive money at it.

  13. It’s the least of my worries. The climate has been changing constantly since the earth was formed. There have been periods where atmospheric CO2 has been many times higher than at the present and the world did not end. At one point, at the end of the Ordovician period, IIRC, it was as high as 8%, roughly 200 times today’s levels, and the earth was heavily glaciated, not engulfed in flames, as “The Science” would predict.

  14. I don’t care for it, nothing I do will have an impact and I’ll be dead before any real consequences

  15. It will not be the end of the human race as a species, but it’ll probably be the end of global civilization as we know it.

  16. I’ll believe it’s an emergency when the people who say it’s an emergency start acting like it’s an emergency.

  17. It’s a big deal but we need to develop better technology to get people to switch to using green energy. It’ll take a while

  18. It’s happening, but it’s happened before and it’s not the end of the world. Scientists have been making doomsday predictions for decades, changing them when it’s wrong and somehow people still belive them because it’s science or something. I’m not worried about it, and I’m not going to start worrying about it until the experts stop filling with private jets and start advocating nuclear.

  19. Belt and Road Initiative has me convinced we’re fucked tbh.

    I’m sure Europeans will do their usual trick of attempted appeasement while wagging their finger (and using the produced products) and we’ll join them until it’s too late.

  20. The climate has been undergoing constant change since the creation of the world and will continue to do so. If humanity ceases to exist, guess what. We’ll still have climate change. It’s normal. Quit freaking out about it.

  21. Pretty sure we’re fucked. Even if a solution is technically still possible, our society doesn’t have the willpower to go through with it. Might as well get my fiddle out and at least have a good time while Rome burns, I guess.

  22. What do I feel about it? Frozen at this point.

    In the past 1-2 years my thinking has switched from we must ‘stop it’/’fix it’ to ‘adapt or die’. And we aren’t adapting.

    Breaks my heart for my 7yo.

    Like why aren’t we/someone going to those melting glaciers and storing all that freshwater instead of letting it melt into the ocean? People are running out of fresh water and we don’t want the oceans rising or becoming less salty – solves two huge problems. Only answers I ever get are ‘it would cost too much’ ‘there is no money in that’ – well the money spent to solve the problems created by not doing it will be way more.

    The process is way farther along than they’re willing to admit. We often hear ‘scientists have discovered that ‘X problem’ is actually happening faster than predicted. The ocean currents are stopping. The Amazon Rainforest now emits more CO2 than it absorbs. Dying coral reefs. Etc.

    I basically have a “Eat the Rich” and “Start a Riot” internal monologue these days

  23. It is our responsibility to do something about it but we need a organic culture change… not change enforced and guided by governments & billionaires.

    I’m more concerned with plastic pollution and roadkill!

  24. It really fucking pisses me off. Obviously the whole thing about destroying people’s lives and ruining the environment takes the cake but in my hometown of Buffalo, we haven’t had consistent snow to be able to have good skiing in almost 10 years. On the other hand I pray for the day that Long Island will be reclaimed by the sea.

  25. I believe it has been happening for quite a bit of time before the industrial revolution. I say this because if I had been born just 13,000 years ago in the same spot I was born, I would have been under water in a glacial lake.


    As well, if I lived a few miles from where I currently live, but ~21,000 years ago, I would be encased in ice from a glacier.


    So that makes me doubt how man made it its.

    Also, I think we as a species should do every possible thing we can do to advance green energy, because fossil fuels are, by nature, finite. If we ever run out of them without a renewable substitute we will face the greatest economic disaster our species has ever known.

  26. It’s real. It will require government intervention to fix/limit the effects. I’m going to die before that happens.

  27. I believe it’s something that can be easily solved once we achieve sentient AI.

  28. Linda destroyed isis, Captain Planet and Greta Thunberg will destroy climate change

  29. I dislike it, its a global issue that needs global solutions and should be a priority. There is vert little I can do, although I do try to make a little difference in what I waste and consume. I worry a lot about it though.

  30. One of the main reasons I’ve spent an inordinate amount of money not just living in coastal California (where A/C isn’t necessary), but one of the only places in coastal California where it’s easy and practical to not drive to tend to your daily needs, is because I do not want to be personally involved in the continued destruction of the planet to the degree I can avoid it.

    Or, at least that’s what I tell myself.

    And yet I regularly eat meat.

    So maybe it’s more complicated than just that.

  31. I don’t define myself as liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, I’m an environmentalist.

  32. Its real, mostly man made, and its already here. World governments are dragging their feet in response to it. We are implementing renuable and nuclear energy too slowly and aren’t moving away from fossil fuels fast enough.

    Hurricanes are getting stronger and more frequent. Droughts are lasting longer. Species are going extinct.

    I wouldn’t be suprised if farming becomes virtually impossible in the some parts of the Southwest and Great plains in the coming centuries if nothing changes. Rivers have been drying up and cant be relied apon. Aquifers are being drained faster than they can be replenished by rain. Legal battles for water rights between communities are already happening and are going to get much more common. It will likely cause a migration crisis. I feel bad for future generations.

  33. I’m not a fan.

    However, the constant existential angst is not helping our general mental health.

    I think for me, the worst part is that we can’t do anything about it. Does not matter what I do, the Chinese keep building coal power plants.

  34. I grew up in a house where it was all made up. I parroted those talking points for several years.

    It’s one of several reasons why if I had a time machine I’d use it beat my past self with a bat.

  35. It’s a problem and we should be working toward fixing it, but a lot of the reaction to it, particularly online, is overwrought. 99% of people in the US aren’t going to be the ones most impacted by it.

  36. Meh people say the world is gonna end every 7 years but they always push the goalpost back. I’m all for renewable energy and less fossil fuels but people like Greta thy burg or whatever her name is are just a bunch of fear mongering Amadáns

  37. 1. It’s real, and will come with difficulties.

    2. The world isn’t going to end in whatever the prediction is now. The apocalyptic predictions about climate has been happening for close to a century now, and much of it has not come to fruition.

    3. We cannot go off of fossil fuels. The market will eventually phase it out, but phasing it out in the rediculously short time span that many are saying will kill more people than climate change ever will.

    4. Humans suck at prevention, but are great at adaptation. The truth is we are not going to prevent climate change. We just aren’t. Adaptations to the issues that arise will happen.

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