Hello, I am searching for massage chairs to help alleviate my chronic back issue that has been persisting for over 5 years.

I have come across two main types of chairs, one that ranges from $500-$2,000 and another that ranges from $6,000-$10,000. While I am able to afford the more expensive chair due to a recent settlement, I am unsure if I would be paying for quality and features or simply luxury items such as real leather and a popular brand name. My confusion is compounded by the fact that all the massage chairs within the higher price range seem to be connected to a company called “Furniture for Life,” which appears to own all the massage chair companies within this price range, creating what seems like a monopoly.

So now I am seeking advice from anyone who has experience with these massage chairs or any suggestions on whether I should invest in a more expensive chair as a long-term, 10-20 year product or opt for a cheaper chair that will only last 1-3 years.

Thank you very much!

  1. I know this sounds like a jerk answer, but the answer is always stretching and/or yoga.

  2. $10,000 would pay for a lot of actual massages and physical therapy to fix your underlying issues.

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