My dad keeps calling me a good girl every time he sees me like oh you are a good girl…not randomly but kinda related to stuff I have been dealing with… but I secretly hate it because my ex use to call me that in bed. Should i tell my dad to stop calling me that?

  1. Haha yes I think you should tell him. Maybe don’t go into details. I can just imagine the awkwardness.

  2. Just say “Daaad, I’m not a little girl anymore, you can’t call me a good girl now, just say I’m doing a good job 😊”. That way you don’t have to make it awkward and he won’t suspect anything weird.

  3. Ah…

    See usually I err on the side of people strongly asserting their boundaries, but in this case gentle is better.

    “Please don’t call me that.” is fair, but without any follow up he’ll likely say “oh”, realize WHY it was inappropriate and I suspect that’s what you’re trying to avoid.

    There’s another approach though: you can communicate to your father that while you will always be his daughter, you are no longer a ‘girl’ and would like to fully embrace the maturity of “womanhood”. Tell him that being called a “girl” feels diminutive; and ask him if there’s any other way he can show his support (ex. “I’m proud to have a woman like you as my daughter”). Then there you go, no more “good girls” except from people you want it from.

    Best wishes, OP

  4. Tell him that you get wet af when he calls you that and unless he is trying to get it for real then he needs to stop saying that shit

  5. Its sad when mens sex shit ruins regular life. But I suppose u could ask him to call u lady or woman but Im guessing he might come back with ur always my little girl in my eyes.

  6. Dad here…

    “hey dad, I know you mean well but when you call me a ‘good girl’ I feel like you’re praising a puppy for peeing on the newspaper. Can we find something else?”

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