Working with mostly older people man it blows! I’m so young and one of few poc amongst the crowd here. I’ve done my best to blend into the pack! And now it seems people quite like me…until I turn my back….

  1. People at work aren’t your friends. Keep it professional. Keep your life private. Just excel and seize opportunities. If you’re good and they see you as a threat you’ll see their true colors.

  2. How do you know those same coworkers aren’t gossiping about you behind your back ? You don’t become likeable by gossiping. You become likeable by exhibiting good social skills (which does not mean gossiping), bringing positive energy and vibes to convserations, and doing your job well.

  3. You are the company you keep, and your own values set *will* change to better fit your routine actions, including gossiping. It does *not* make you more likable – it just makes you less of a target.

    I had a job like this where I did not last. My strategy was ultimately to just not actively participate. Nod along, feign interest, and commit nothing to the conversation. The job itself grew more troublesome and tiring than it was worth, but letting people assume I was going along with it meant I was okay in their eyes, and I never contributed to the gossip so I was never a person of interest when shit inevitably ended up with HR. Jesus were they tiring to be around, though.

    While I understand your intentions I think, and your intentions seem wise (go along to get along), don’t let this place poison your brain too much. There are other jobs out there that don’t require a person to compromise their values and desires in life, and unless you’re destitute your mental health is not worth a heavier wallet.

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