Hey guys,

I (m 19) have a best friend (f 20

Ironically was my ex’s best friend and have gotten extremely close in the past couple of months. Nothing sexual, but it’s mainly the amount of time we spend together (we both initiate hangouts mainly her). There’s nothing sexual physically but I feel as though there is sexual tension at times.

Besides the fact she doesn’t have many people to talk to, she’s always talking to me and wanting to spend time together whenever possible, and she rarely ever denies my initiations to hang out.

The things she does

Cooks for me, always agree to go out together no matter when she has become very touchy as of lately even if it’s just through banter (play fighting and pushing), texts me when she’s drunk, and most importantly has a genuine interest in my life and the things I’m not doing too well in (personal issues) as well as offering suggestions.

She’s also started copying my slang

We have a lot of fun together, we go out to the arcade, markets, restaurants (just the 2 of us), stay at home together where we’d bake, watch TV, etc.

At first, I didn’t feel any romantic connection but most recently during our last time together I’m starting to feel as I like to call it “The romantic buzz”

All comments are appreciated and will be responded to if further clarification is needed.

TL;DR! – I can’t tell if my best friend likes me or not

  1. Sounds likely, but you will never know if you don’t ask. If you want to explore a romantic relationship with her, ask if she would like to go on a date with you.

    If she says no and pulls away a bit, don’t take it personally. It’s probably because she realizes she has been sending mixed signals and wants to recalibrate the relationship to platonic again. If you keep things light and the pressure off, your won’t ruin your friendship.

    If she says yes then great, you may have a new girlfriend 🙂 Best of luck.

  2. I had a great friend like this in college. Super close, we would always talk/ text and hang out together. Both of us were also super candid with each other about our sex lives and everyone would always assume we were banging.

    At the end of the day though I was genuinely not interested in a romantic relationship with her. As a result I made this clear upfront and we continued having an awesome friendship until she unfortunately passed. She was seriously one of my closest friends.

    However, if I was interested in something more letting her know would have been the correct move 100%.

    If you want this to just be an awesome friendship let them know. If you want something more though you need to tell them! Keep in mind that it could end the friendship if they dont feel the same way. So ask yourself what you want first then talk it out.

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