What is something that your are proud of, but other people make fun of you for it?

  1. Well I am proud of where I’ve gotten in life. Even though I have no actual typical markers of success. I’ve just been through so much that I makes me smile that I’m here today breathing.

  2. I don’t know. I try not to pay attention to people who make fun of me for accomplishments I’m proud of.

    If you won’t support me and won’t keep your mouth shut, I don’t have the time to waste on you.

  3. Being able to express my opinion on things that I don’t necessarily agree on no matter how controversial or against the current norms and values it is.

  4. My blue collar career in the construction industry. Despite what people say, the formally educated always look down on us.

  5. I’m trying to average 10k steps per day and I’m doing pretty good. Missing a few days per month, but my average is well over. Weird thing to make fun of me for, but I’m super proud that I’ve stuck to it for almost 4 months now!

  6. Sacrificed my time, energy and money for two years to swing someone around from not wanting to exist anymore, to enjoying a good life.

    I couldn’t explain to people why I did all that stuff without exposing her private struggles. So mostly I don’t talk about it. The ones who know assume it was all part of a fruitless quest for sex. And they mocked me for that mercilessly.

  7. My athletic goals. I’m not a professional or anything, I just like the discipline of creating a workout plan and sticking to a routine. I want to do cool shit like run ultra marathons, bike 500 miles, swim across channels because achieving those kinds of goals gives me joy.

    But yeah, people do roll their eyes a lot when I say, “Sorry I can’t go out tonight because I need to do a long run.” Personally, I don’t really care though because I get to do what makes me happy.

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