I have 0 tolerance for both smoking and vaping. My family has a bad history when it comes to smoking (tobacco/cigarettes) and the more information that comes out, the more I realize vaping is just as bad. I also have an ex who was extremely addicted to vaping and stole from me to buy vapes. So overtime I have learned I’d like any potential partner not to do either of them. Period

For context, I am 19 (M). I have found it very hard to meet someone who doesn’t vape. When I do meet someone who doesn’t vape they seem to be very rare exception. Smoking isn’t that bad thankfully. If I do meet someone who does vape I’m not gonna tell them they shouldn’t but I’d have no interest in dating them. You do you, and I’ll do me 🤷‍♂️ we just won’t be compatible.

  1. It hurts in the sense of it will exclude a big chunk of “prospects” since everyone seems to vape nowadays.

  2. Does having requirements / preferences in partners make it harder to find partners? Yes. But isn’t that the whole point?

  3. >You do you, and I’ll do me 🤷‍♂️ we just won’t be compatible.

    Ok, then that is your preference. Why would it matter if it hurts your chances to find a partner? If its a deal breaker for you, then its irrelevant whether it affects your opportunities.

  4. I’m quite older, but I don’t know anyone that does smoke or vape. I’m always quite shocked when I go somewhere in public and someone is smoking 😂 So, it may be your circle or city 🤔

  5. **have found it very hard to meet someone who doesn’t vape.**

    Huh. Interesting.

    But no, I wouldn’t date anybody with any addiction. I personally never had trouble as a female finding a male who doesn’t smoke/vape or have very unhealthy/destructive habits or addictions…

    If it’s something that matters to you, stick to it. Eventually you’ll find someone. I wouldn’t put it as “hurting your chances” as in the long run, what’s gonna “hurt” is dating or being in a relationship with a person who’s not someone you’re happy with… Having *standards* betters your chances at having a good relationship with the person.

  6. > You do you, and I’ll do me 🤷‍♂️ we just won’t be compatible.

    Dont date anyone who smokes or vapes then. There’s nothing wrong with preferences and plenty of folk who do neither.

  7. I dated a girl that smoked when I didn’t, turned out she started smoking to deal with the stress of starting work as a nurse at 21 in a busy metro hospital. Not the best way to cope considering her professional health background, but whatever.

    I asked her to wash her hands before getting into bed after a smoke and she was fine with it, she brushed her teeth anyway but the smelly fingers thing wasn’t nice. She quit after six months, which itself took six months, and got back in the gym and everything all by herself. I encouraged her whenever she talked about it but ultimately just let her handle it.

    That might happen with you, it might not. If you lead by example with your healthy lifestyle it probably will though.

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