I work construction and NEVER go to clubs, bars or any of that shit so I never get the chance to talk to girls. I don’t really go to any shops, food or anywhere for that matter lol. I’m not into trends or really anything the modern world has to offer like social media for example. I’m in shape and I like to think I’m good looking, take care of myself but I just don’t ever meet girls. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a conversation with a girl my age. 21 btw. I’m old school so I’m not gonna Snapchat or text a girl all day, there’s more to life than that. I guess that’s why I’m struggling to find anybody cause everyone is obsessed with their phone and internet persona. I’m the opposite so idk how I would find a girl with the same interests. I don’t use social media and try to stay hidden from the public and I know there’s a girl out there doing the same but how tf am I supposed to find her???

  1. What are your interests/hobbies?

    All you have said here is what you do not like. We need to know what you do like.

    Edit: went through your post history. Note to others: if you pass the dirt bike post, you’ve gone TOO FAR!!

    So you like dirt biking, archery, and fly fishing.

    Meet people here:








  2. Do you have any interests? All youve said is that you basically hate everything. Where do you plan to go out on dates if don’t go “anywhere for that matter”

  3. When you go about your daily life (grocery shopping. Stopping in the store, etc) try and be friendly with women. Maybe you’ll find someone who feels the same way. Put her at ease and maybe you can get a number

  4. If you stay in your room she’s obviously not hiding there lol
    If you like reading go to a library or bookstore
    If you like nature go to the parc or a forest and walk
    Go in places where you feel good and where you aren’t completely alone ( like your room)

  5. The best way to find a girl like you is to do what you like to do and do your hobbies and if you see a girl doing the same thing and find her attractive then ask her out. If you don’t like going to the bars and whatnot then don’t go looking for her at the bars. If you like hiking or even sports go do that in a public setting and sooner or later there comes a girl for you to talk to.

    I totally get what you mean, I work in construction also and unfortunately for us there’s zero girls to talk to in that field. I mean there is but usually they also like girls which isn’t a problem.

  6. Listen to the boys around the shop/site or wherever. See or ask if the there is any women more interested in your hobbies or way of living and just go to some event they are at. Or ask the boys to spark it. Worth a try for that tradie style.

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