My other half is out of the country for a couple of weeks but I have a good cashback offer if I eat at Toby Carvery. I love a good roast, I know it’s not the worlds best food but I enjoy it anyway.

Would it be weird to see someone just sat by themselves enjoying a big roast?

  1. Nobody really notices or pays any attention to what anybody else is doing, so just do whatever you want.

    Anybody that does care and judge is just a sad act anyway, so who cares what they think. Go for it

    My only suggestion would be to go somewhere else, because Toby Carvery is proper grim

  2. If you go during weekdays you’ll see there are plenty of people who eat alone because they’re working away from home, especially if it’s near a premier inn

  3. Nope.

    In fact I’ve had a solo Toby Carvery myself once when I was on a long drive back from a trip with nobody going my direction. Hit the spot. Though, driving after a full carvery was a bit odd.

  4. I used to eat there alone all the time. Who gives a shit what other people think?

  5. Make yourself happy, go eat it. People are eating their own food, they don’t care about strangers two tables along.

  6. Big roast, couple of beers, home for a snooze with nobody to bother you. Sounds perfect to me. Take a newspaper or just watch the funny people you always get in a Toby.

  7. Went the other day and there was a petit lady all by her self smashed a large in 15 mins and left. Nothing weird about it imo

  8. The only person who notices that situation is yourself. And, if I do notice someone out on their own doing something like this, I just think ‘good for them’ for feeling confident enough to do so. Enjoy a roast!

  9. People have a strange belief that eating out by themselves will somehow be frowned upon.

    I’ve spent multiple years of my life travelling for business. In my peak year I spent 276 nights away from home. The vast majority of those days I ate in restaurants of varying quality, alone.

    Nobody cares.

  10. Unless someone does something memorable like cause a scene, it’s probable that you won’t remember any of the people in the last restaurant you went to.

    It’s the same with people on the bus, train, out shopping etc. They have their own lives, their own interests, throw in the modern trend of everybody looking at their phones all the time and it’s nailed on they wouldn’t remember you.

    Easy enough to test the validity of this. Have a sit down for ten minutes on a bench in a town centre. People go past, none of them are looking at you.

  11. No one cares. When I started travelling for work I would often end up in a Toby (there always seems to be one near hotels) for an evening meal. I was really self conscious the first few times I ate alone but it soon goes.

    There are loads of people travelling for work who end up eating alone

  12. I doubt anyone would even notice or have a passing thought about it. Have you ever been somewhere and looked at someone dining alone and made a big fuss about it? Doubtful.

  13. Lots of Toby Carvery’s are on the app Too good to go, you might be able to pick up a bargain at the end of the night

  14. I go to Toby by myself all the time. It’s usually my Friday lunch.

    Trouble is, i’m weird as fuck, so the answer might be yes. The relevant question though is, “who the fuck cares?”. Are you worried that the other people might judge you? I reckon they are going to be more focused on their beef, spuds and gravy to notice.

  15. FFS.


    If Toby is your thing, go there and go kingsize.

    I used to have my car serviced over the road from a Toby and I would eat there while they were doing it!

  16. Not at all.

    Also go and see that film you’ve been meaning to watch, that your partner wasn’t keen on.

    I’ve always done this. Not often, but when the opportunity arises.

  17. I used to do this every week when I had to visit an old work office regularly.

  18. Nope.

    What other people may think is their business. If you want a carvery then go have a carvery.

  19. I realised a long time ago – people don’t care nearly as much about me as I expect.

    People simply aren’t going to pay enough attention to even have an opinion. Go, have a carvery. Enjoy it.

  20. I used to avoid doing certain things alone when I was younger, like going to the cinema or out for a meal. I think with age comes the ability to cease giving any fucks. I still probably wouldn’t go to a fancy restaurant alone but hell yes I’d get myself a nice roast at a Toby. I’m single so if I don’t get a roast as pub grub I’d never have one.

  21. I work away a lot and went out for a carvery alone just this week. I’ve been dining out alone for years. Trust me, the only one with the hang up about eating alone, is the one eating alone.

  22. hope not mate because im a 70yr old widower, i dont see many people and live alone, my one treat is a sunday carvery and i always go alone, i get a good meal and an hours company plus the staff seem to recognize me and always make me feel welcome, isnt it silly but i like to watch the young families out together (please dont think im weird, i dont talk to them, it just gives me pleasure to see them out as a family).

  23. I’m a widow. I went to the local carvery on my own a few Sundays ago and I intend to go again this Sunday.

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