What makes you get out of bed in the morning and motivates you to go to work, or school, or whatever else you do for a living?
My Wife has been kind-of the center of my world for the last nearly two and a half years and I can’t think of anything else on Earth I would ever fight as hard for.

  1. I want to make money for myself at my job, it helps that my employer is great.

  2. To enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and sensations of this world as completely and thoroughly as I can before I die. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not terribly creative and am…very lazy. To those who create and build….I salute you. You’re the gifted few, and I’m….well, the rest I also hate children, so….breeding up a brood is out, too. Thankfully have married a woman who similarly doesn’t want kids.
    Going to work? It’s a means to an end….it’s easy work so I zone out and just listen to podcasts or audible books with one earphone in the whole time. Going to work is something I do to facilitate everything else.

  3. > What makes you get out of bed in the morning and motivates you to go to work?

    I enjoy it. I feel at home there, I get to combine my work and my hobbies together in one place and I get to help people, all at the same time. It can be boring and tedious but it’s still a good time overall.

    Makes the fact that I don’t have a wife and kids a lot easier to deal with.

  4. I get out of bed to catch the bus

    I get on the bus to go to work

    I go to work to make money

    I make money to eat food and sleep inside

    I eat food and sleep inside to stay alive

    I stay alive to experience the world and people around me

    Thats about it.

  5. To crush my enemies, see them drive before me and hear the lamentation of their women.

  6. Currently: to find that sense of purpose

    No idea if I’ll ever find it, but I guess I’ll just keep on going and see where it takes me.

  7. To me is to make other people’s life a bit nicer every day. I’m not a so called people pleaser, I can be very direct and harsh if I think it’s for the best but I always try be kind, pay respect and make small compliments to everyone I interact with.
    I just love when someone is nice to me, it makes everything much better so I want to do the same to everyone around me. It helps that I work in a store as sales assistant/casheer so I meet tons of strangers everyday and when they leave the shop smiling it honestly makes my day.
    In the long run I want to be a teacher and help kids in my area cause its a bit of a sad place where I am from and I want them to fulfill their dreams and hopes

  8. To fight the entropy. Big middle finger to the universe for each passing moment is trying to settle down while I stir shit up.

  9. Just kinda take it as easy as possible and enjoy as much of my free leisure time as I can while contributing the absolute bare minimum to a society that never has, and never will care about me.

    Which I don’t say to be depressing. That’s a declaration of liberty in my opinion. I couldn’t imagine what a bigger pain in the ass life would be if I was born into a “just” and “fair” world. Like I might actually have to care about someone or something other than myself for once. Which would be absolutely terrible.

  10. To bring in a marginal income to support myself/wife/dogs and live long enough for my dad to die, so that I may die w/o unduly fucking over dogs/wife/dad.

  11. Art, creativity, music. Certainly not my job or marriage for that matter. The struggle is staying at a job and avoiding the whirlpool suction of the “career ladder” where everyone tells you that you should be doing more taking on more responsibility, etc. Which inevitably means making your job “your life”. Nope. Its just a job, a paycheck, a meal, a means to support my family, but leave me my time to create.

  12. To leave things better than I found them.

    Whatever it is – my family, my friends, my community, my job, my world, etc – I want to leave everything and everyone better than I found them.

    And that can be big – like supporting my wife through medical training – or small – like helping a mom with two kids manage getting all their stuff onto an airplane – I want to leave people, places, and things, better than they are today.

  13. I don’t think life has a purpose. I’m only here because my dad nutted in my mom 22 years ago. People get up from bed because they have to in order to survive.

  14. My work is part of my purpose. I enjoy taking a negative situation for a patient and hopefully making it less so. Other than that, trying to raise my kids so they have it better than I did and loving them even if they don’t.

  15. I guess just to survive rn. I’m kinda living in this grey area of life. I’m about to be booted from university because I fucked up bad and cause my mental health is spiraling out of control. My main goal rn is to try and explain to my strict Indian parents why their son is a fucking idiot that failed out of college

  16. Trying not to sound too girly here…

    I think my purpose in life is to ensure that my children and grandchildren learn to be the best people they can be. To help them become more kind, generous, loving, patient, etc….

    To perhaps brighten the day (or life) of random people by doing a kindness, especially an unseen kindness, or even just to let someone know that they count, that they are worth loving, and deserve a good life.

    My $0.02

    Peace all!

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