What are some street smarts that you should know?

  1. If you see something outlandish like a person dragging a vacuum by its cord like a pet, stay alert and exit the area. Most likely a distraction to either pickpocket you or have their accomplice accost you.

  2. Stay strapped. Always pretend you know where you’re going and that someone is waiting on you. Most muggers want your stuff, not your life, and a phone is replaceable. Some people are just inherently violent, so don’t think an attack will be provoked. Trust your gut because you can usually tell when things are about to pop off.

  3. Avoid walking alone at night.

    If you think you are being followed enter a public place.

    Carry a pepper spray.

  4. Put a security camera warning sign on the window in front of your house even if you don’t have a camera

  5. Keep spark plugs in your car incase you’re trapped and need to break a window!

    Also please don’t leave drinks unattended in public places like a bar/club etc. even take them to the bathroom with you, it sounds gross but it’s better than being drugged.

  6. Just – stay alert. I am a bit older (45) but I still follow everything going on, especially behind me. And yes, I have had to go around blocks/hide behind cars/whatever. Even at this age.

  7. Use an exacto knife to make cuts in your car registration sticker after you put it on your license plate.

  8. Stay alert, know the exits, anything can be used as a weapon, & the best option to a conflict is running away but if you MUST fight, fight dirty, and never stop attacking.

  9. Lock your door when you get in your car don’t wait for the auto locks and this may seem stupid but always lock for house/apartment/dwelling door when you come and go and double check doors and windows before bed.

  10. I used these tips when living in America, but now that I live in a safer country I don’t do these as much

    1: Walk on the edge of a sidewalk, makes it harder for people to pull you into alleyways

    2: Carry a mugger wallet, a fake wallet with fake cards and a few dollars

    3: ALWAYS Be aware of your surroundings, don’t listen to music on full blast, keep an eye on who’s behind and in front of you at all times

    4: If you have to walk at night keep your hand in one pocket holding a knife/spray so you’re ready to defend yourself

  11. If you’re filling up your car, get out, relock the car, put the nozzle in, set the fill switch, (I think this is illegal in NJ, maybe OR, so ignore if you’re there) and stand in back of your car. That way you can more easily see anyone approaching you.

    Don’t try to be polite. Dinner parties are for that. The streets are where you watch out for yourself.

    If you’re attacked, try to stay on your feet. If that is impossible, stay on your back. You can’t defend yourself if you’re on your stomach.

    And as another commenter said, stay strapped. If someone kills me with my own gun, they’re going to have to beat me with it because I’m going until there is no longer a threat. I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  12. Look like you just got the most annoying news or like your heading to give someone a hiding. Nobody will stop you with a face like thunder.

    Also headphones are a no no in certain cities. I come from Ireland and in my home city, yeah walking the streets with headphones is grand. I lived in NYC for a year…no headphones thank you unless you want a cab to nearly run you over or crazies to be upon you without you hearing them from far off. It also shows you have some sort of music device like a phone or ipod to pick pockets.

    If someone asks for the time, get a watch and look at that instead of pulling out your phone where they can snatch it from your hand.

    Have a pouch that fits close to your body with cash/passports etc in it if you’re a tourist. That is if you’re robbed or bag snatched then you’re important stuff is still safe.

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