Which trait of yours is your most treasured superpower?

  1. My ability to emphasise helps make people feel a bit better about their day, works best in person with a smile

  2. I’m high stated in charisma. I get away with so much shit it’s unreal.

  3. I play video games, been playing from a kid. I have the ability to have one earbud in with something streaming at full blast in one ear, and still pay attention to what’s going on around me through the other ear. This is a superpower because it leads people around me to believe that I’m not paying attention.

  4. My ability to make people laugh. And my ability to see the other person’s point of view.

  5. My determination. If I say I’m going to do it, I will do it. I don’t back down on my word.

  6. For some reason I’m eternally optimistic. Maybe from going through several big traumas in childhood and still coming out pretty ok on the other side. But yeah, even when going through the worst of things, deep down I can still find at least some little hope and how to get back to happiness eventually.

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