Title. I love showing my friends these cool things I make but they never seem to have as positive a reaction as I do when they show me what they make. This is mainly referring to stories that we write but it also applies to art or our interests in general. I do have a bit of anxiety but since they’re my close friends I do share a lot with them. Is it because I just need to communicate with them or am I generally just not interesting?

  1. First of all, are the things you share actually “cool” as you describe ? Or are you pretending they are cool, when in actuality, they aren’t. Reminder: in general, cool things should generally exhibit a skill or talent that you have.

    When you are sharing these things with them, how are you doing so ? Did they even ask you to share at all ? If they didn’t, then that should be a sign they were never interested in learning more about you. At that point, sharing things about yourself is unprompted and won’t make them more interested in you. It comes off as trying to hard to get people interested in you.

    But when you do share, do you do so confidently, or do you act anxious and insecure ? Often times, when you are insecure, it overrides any positive emotions. People sense you aren’t confident and you are sharing because you are looking for their validation or approval.

  2. Sometimes people share some stuff out of the blue and the others are “ok… what do you want us to do with this info, what do you expect?”.

    At least that’s how i felt when a friend shared a bunch of stuff they made out of the blue. My mind needs questions to make the gears turn, not statements.

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