How would you feel about being a trophy wife?

  1. It’s a hard one. When I think of a trophy wife I essentially think of a really good looking young woman with zero personality.

    It almost feels like a backhanded compliment

  2. People see me as this because my husband earns good money and I’m a decent looking woman. They think I married him for his money because it’s the only way they can rationalise him managing to ‘score’ me. They are shocked once they come to know Ive been with my husband since we were in highschool and when he had nothing

    I don’t feel anything about it really. He loves me and I love him. His love language is spoiling me and our daughters. And doting on me. It’s that simple

  3. My aunt is proudly a trophy wife, it works for her because she’s honest and unashamed about it.

    I couldn’t do it. I’d rather be poor and in love than rich, prized, but loveless.

  4. Sorry for the poor bastard who thought *I* was a trophy

    I have many wonderful qualities but the epitome of beauty and grace I am not

  5. No thank you. I want a partner who is with me because of our romantic chemistry, compatibility, common passions and shared values, not to use me as a status symbol.

  6. I’ve been “accused” of being a trophy wife by my husband’s family. I don’t feel any kind of way about it. I would be unhappy if I were financially trapped in a loveless relationship, but that’s not the case so, eh, people can think what they like.

  7. I’m fat and disabled, so I’d be mostly confused. I’m physically not quite the type people usually think of when younsay “trophy wife”.

  8. Whilst it would be nice to be spoiled and such, I know that I could never bring myself to be happy and content with myself in that position. I would always be yearning for more and I reckon I would become deeply self destructive in an attempt to make myself happy in an unfulfilled situation.

  9. Since I recently found that I am aroace, I would not care one bit. As long as I don’t have to have sex nor to participate in romantic stuff. Like get me a couple cats, money to live with and leave me along.

    But I’m nowhere near pretty enough to be a trophy wife.

  10. I want to be one lol what’s the matter with being the “trophy wife” if I was living comfortably I would careless about what other, especially other men think about me 😂 but my fiancé is hotter than me he is the trophy husband.

  11. I would be surprised. I’m a very strange trophy as there’s a few dings, and I am over 40 and I work very long hours in a professional role. I’m certainly a catch for the right man but I am not a beautiful, young woman who chooses to spend a lot of time and money on my appearance. I wouldn’t be with anyone for money but it worked out that way, I am sure I manage to would adjust!

  12. I have no qualms about being a trophy wife. In the same way I believe you can use your other natural talent such as natural intelligence, with, eloquence, confidence to make your way through life I also believe you can use your natural beauty to do so as well.

    And in the same way that we can artificially supplement our intelligence, confidence, width, sarcasm, worldly Knowledge I also believe you can use your artificially enhanced beauty to make your way through life.

    If you’re both consenting and you’re also not losing out on the deal, I don’t see a problem with the deal.

  13. As a woman that always have suffered from low self steem: I would love to someone make me feel like a trophy.

    I think this question comes to much deeper, but women who could fit in probably will not feel happy being there. And people who are way off to fit may always want to fit in that role.

  14. I wouldn’t be a very good one. You could bring me as a trophy to show off to your friends at Henrietta Hudson, I guess.

  15. I’ve never been pretty enough for that shelf life but frankly if he was only with me to show me off and not for how I think or feel etc I wouldn’t want to be with him.

  16. I would be surprised if someone thought that honestly and I wouldn’t like the implication of it. I don’t want people to think I’m dumb. I have more to offer in a relationship than looks. Though I’d also be flattered lowkey.

  17. Definitely don’t think I’m attractive enough to be a “trophy”, but mostly I’d hate it because I definitely don’t have the personality for that kinda thing. I like being able to have intelligent thoughts and I love a good argument and I just know that a man who seeks out a wife simply to parade her around as a trophy does not want a good lively argument every other day.

  18. For the first few years we were together ….

    People openly – uhh hmm ?? 🤔 Women Accused me of being a “gold digger” ….. as in “oh, I bet you’re happy now that he came along and rescued you out of that ditch you lived in” and Guys openly implied that I was the trophy.

    As a female surrounded by men my entire life I laughed it off.

    My husband would get very offended “on my behalf” he always says things like “I don’t know what I did to deserve you”

    Jealous women will say “sure things are great now …. But what about when YOU ARE OLD ??” Like they will reserve being right about me being a trophy until I am the trophy no more…. At which time they’ll be the first to say “I told you so”

    So, I guess it depends on who, exactly, thinks I’m the trophy ?

    I never felt disrespected or less than from my husband …. 8/10 times it was the WOMEN who could make things get awkward — the women were usually the ones guilty of being f rude & disrespectful and envious.

    Where as, the men would just be great to me and tease him. Guys are considerably less catty about it, also, guys are able to keep their composure and not make themselves look like a deranged & jealous moron by saying “too much, too often”

  19. When I was like 20 I “dated” this guy a few years older than me who kept trying to buy my love and affection even from very early on. I ended it after a few dates because it made me very uncomfortable. He tried throwing the fact that he could have taken care of me, and I never would have had to work in my face like it was a good thing. I was applying to graduate schools at the time. Like I’m not getting these degrees to just sit there, no thanks. Which I told him, and he said I was too good looking to be anything other than a trophy wife. At the time I was just offended. With some hindsight I’m a *bit* flattered he at least thought I was attractive enough to be a trophy wife. Lol

  20. I wouldn’t mind it being a part of a composite whole… The implications are that I’m hot & my husband is successful, so that’s lit. As long as there’s actual depth of feeling & mutual appreciation in addition (which I have in my marriage), I wouldn’t mind that being part of our vibe.

    Tangentially, the owner of the company my dad used to work for is a billionaire. His wife is like 20 years younger. He def married her for her looks & she def married him for his money, but they’re really happy together & clearly care very deeply for each other. So it doesn’t have to be shallow or a bad thing.

  21. I honestly would like it, my exs didnt give me hardly any affection so going from hardly any affection to material affection is something.

  22. I would enjoy it and just work on my hobbies all the time. Idgaf what people think of me

  23. Not interested. Being an objectified trophy/prize to show off for someone else is dehumanizing. Someone who uses you as a possession to boast about and aggrandize themselves is not a good partner and does not see or respect you as a fully human individual. Even a proud and treasured possession is still just a possession. If they only care about how others envy them for having you, then they don’t actually love or respect you.

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