Looking to get insight in a dating situation !!

I am a 25 yo male, relatively fit, have a good group of friends, and a solid job. I had a long term girlfriend of 4 years (ended 2 years ago) and since then, my experience dating women has been predominately hook-up driven— most of which are not one night stands.

That being said, I don’t don’t have a problem talking to women or “pulling” in general. Recently, met this girl at a house party & we hit it off. Got her number & took her on a couple of dates… also ran into her and some friends at a concert between the two. Both dates went great, lots of chemistry, laughed and talked with few dull moments. She seems to be interested & pursues seeing me again.

There’s been very little physical contact, we’ve hugged good bye… side-hugs & she refrains from eye contact when doing so. As a man, I’m not a fan of making physical advances without some indication that the urge is mutual.

Most women that I’ve been with would have expressed interest via touch at this point or they wouldn’t continue seeing me….

Does it seem like she’s taking things slow, shes friend zoning me, just not ready?

1 comment
  1. Women generally wait/expect the guy to initiate that side of things, and when we don’t they can end up putting us in the friendzone as there’s a lack of that ‘sexual chemistry’ that sparks the attraction.

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