Do you take trips by yourself when your girlfriend doesn’t have the money to go or do you just pay for her to go?

  1. No, I just don’t go or I pay for her. It depends on how long we’ve been together tho

  2. I just pay for her, I’m mainly going out for the quality time be it with friends or my partner I mainly just enjoy the company

  3. Depends on the situation but I don’t pay anyone’s way anymore. If someone wants to do something nice for me I reciprocate but that’s it.

    I won’t be with a partner who won’t give equally.

  4. What trips are we talking about? If I’m going on business or fishing with my buddies, she doesn’t “need” to go. But if it’s time meant to be spent together, you can modify the trip and do something affordable nearby and not be a dick.

  5. Most of the times I front the cost, and expect to be paid back later in some way. One of my long term girlfriends didn’t have a lot of money like I had. So when we’d go on trips, I’d pay for the hotel and dinners/activities. In return she’d be blowing me constantly, and let me do anal as I pleased.

    Nowadays my wife and I split everything.

  6. This was always a tough one with my ex because we had vastly different incomes. Going on a trip myself wasn’t an option. If we went somewhere, it would have to be on my dime. In short, we just never went anywhere.

    My current partner makes a comparable salary to me and it’s great because we can fly to a new city every month or so!

  7. I’ve actually been thinking of taking day trips to different places my wife doesn’t necessarily want to go. Like finding cheap plane tickets to a random city, get a hotel and come back the next day; cramming as much as I can into that short visit.

  8. Who would I have sex with if I don’t bring her along? Just kidding, she’s more to me than just sex.

    But dat ass, doe

  9. Every time I’ve been in that situation I pay for her to go. Half the joy of the vacations are sharing the experience with someone and great sex.

  10. For me it’d be a hard call. On the one hand i love vacations by myself just being. On the other if i had a SO i’d want her to come with.

    So realistically money allowing i’d try and plan for both. A just me solo vacation and a combined one.

  11. I don’t think I’d pay her way for a trip unless we were married. I’d help out with shared costs, but I’m not buying her a plane ticket. That seems fair.

    Or if I’m traveling for a race, then she’s free to come, but she’d have to understand that it’s predominantly “me time” and the race is the priority. Especially if it’s a key event that I’ve been working hard for.

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