How often and for what do you use paprika spice?

  1. Honestly I just put a bunch in most dishes. I am not an expert cook but paprika adds a nice color and relatively mild flavor

  2. I have paprika, meaning I have used it before, but I cannot think of any specific time. So rarely. maybe for deviled eggs?

  3. I sprinkle it on top of every casserole I make (just plain, American, tastes-like-red paprika, but the casseroles don’t taste right unless they look right, which requires paprika) and use a little Spanish/smoked paprika to top deviled eggs and potato salad; I also use it in soups or stews or sauces a couple of times a week or when I want the idea of bacon but not the fat in a dish, and Hungarian if I want a touch of powdered heat but not full cayenne grade spice (so also a few times a week).

  4. I use it all the time.

    My basic seasoning I put on just about everything is half salt, half pepper, dash of paprika.

    I also put it on top of cornbread batter when I make cornbread.

    And in chicken salad.

  5. When I toast bread crumbs to put on top of baked Mac and Cheese, I also add paprika and garlic powder

  6. I use it in seasoning mixes, especially smoked paprika which gives a really nice depth of flavor to a lot of savory dishes.

  7. I feel like it’s one of those things that I throw on with garlic and onion powder when I don’t know what to season chicken or fish with.

    Sometimes I use it with stews. In the Hungarian Goulash I make a lot of it is necessary.

  8. I use it when I make fajitas, really with a lot of grilled meats.

    Smoked paprika is really good.

  9. I use it in a lot of things. It has the flavor of pepper, but more subtle and mild. I find that it goes really well with garlic and onions. I especially like smoked paprika, and I use it a lot when in meat dishes to give it a smokey flavor.

  10. Frequently and for a wide variety of things. It might be in my top 5 used spices, definitely in my top 10.

  11. Never, but smoked paprika is amazing and I wind up using it frequently.

    Dinner this week: turkey meatballs seasoned with smoked paprika, cumin, turmeric, and coriander, served with Israeli couscous and roasted zucchini along with a yogurt sauce. Really good, and not the same without the paprika.

  12. Frequently for color.

    I use a ton in chili and for dry rubs.
    For chili I usually start with equal parts ancho and paprika as a base and then add some spicier varieties.

  13. Mainly it’s used for soups, adds a nice kick and decent flavor, you put it in the pot once ingredients are in and the flavor and heat cooks in, but always use a tad more then what the recipe says, it can and will boil off

  14. I put it in random stuff if I feel like it fits. Sometimes I’ll put some in queso for some extra flavor and redden/orange the color a bit. I put it in egg salad. Soups and stews occasionally. I like gulaš and that uses a metric ton of paprika.

  15. I don’t make a lot of things that call for paprika, but I make chicken paprikas and it certainly calls for a lot.

  16. I put it on squash when I bake it (with olive oil, salt, and pepper). Sometimes on chicken as well. Deviled eggs.

  17. Deviled eggs and beef stroganoff are dishes I use it most regularly in. I think there may be a homemade hamburger helper I make that also calls for it.

  18. The main thing I use it for is in the dry ingredient mix when I’m making fried chicken.

  19. The thing it’s best on is pork chops. But even if it is microwave macaroni, adding some paprika in makes it better.

    Cumin is the best spice though.

  20. It’s a staple in my household. I’ll put it on chicken, fish, eggs, and I’ll use it in soups and stews.

  21. Slices of warm, fresh Bay Area sourdough, with butter, garlic and paprika.

    This is how Italian-Americans eat in the North Bay.

  22. Most savory dishes. Like unless I’m following a recipe that specifically doesnt call for it, I’ll probably use some paprika. I like to use it along with garlic, cayenne, and cumin when I’m roasting a bunch of veggies. Also goes great in a rub for meat. Lately I’ve been using it in a spicy blend which I’ll put on a pork loin and then cook over a layer of mustard or turnip greens in the crock pot.

    I also use it in a Korean tofu soup since I haven’t been able to get my hands on gochugaru yet and I read that a 50/50 blend of paprika and cayenne makes for an imperfect but reasonable substitute.

    My primary spices for savory dishes seem to be cumin, cayenne, paprika, garlic, salt, black pepper, and chili powder. For sweet things I’ll usually reach for some ratio of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and cloves with occasional appearances by black pepper and cardamom.

    In my cabinet cinnamon, paprika, powdered garlic, and cumin have the biggest bottles.

  23. Pretty rarely. It’s a very mild pepper powder. I usually prefer chili or mustard if I want a little kick, sometimes cayenne.

  24. Even nice smoked paprika doesn’t really have much flavor to me. I mainly use for color or as a filler when making my dry rub seasoning.

  25. Meat rubs, spice mix for tacos. Not paprika, but I sprinkled some cayenne powder on my curry I’m eating for lunch.

  26. Not often in regular cooking but every single time I make my grandma’s potato salad recipe I used smoked paprika on top.

    Last time I used it was a few weeks ago on a fish dish I cooked but before then idk when I last used it.

  27. Paprika is one of those things I only think of when its called for in recipes. The last thing I made with it was chile colorado which had a small amount of smoked paprika.

  28. Pretty frequently, I keep a variety of Hungarian paprikas around. Quite a bit in rubs and marinades, romesco sauce, goulash, paprikash, stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls, etc…

  29. In the south we use it a lot: goulash, potato salad, and deviled eggs to name a few.

  30. Man I was astonished a few months ago when I found out paprika ain’t nothing but dried bell pepper.

  31. Probably at least once a week. I use good Hungarian sweet paprika (Hencher brand grown in Kalocsa) for roast chicken (together with poultry seasoning blend and pepper), chicken paprika(sh), homemade steak seasoning (similar to McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning), and as decoration for devilled eggs and mashed potatoes.

    Paprika is also a standard ingredient in Mexican seasoning blends, so it’s in most Mexican dishes I make.

    I use smoked Spanish paprika to make BBQ-flavored chips.

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