Do you read your horoscope daily?

  1. I don’t think I’ve read my horoscope since the 90s, when it was in the same newspaper section as the funnies.

    And even then, I didn’t read it regularly.

  2. Not necessarily mine, and not every day. But I’ll occasionally just pick a sign at random to read- they’re about equally relevant.

  3. I saw it in a newspaper once in highschool, sooo maybe about 11 or 12 years ago.

  4. I often read the horoscopes in our weekly paper, because they are clever. It’s just something that fills space next to Dan Savage’s column. I definitely don’t read a horoscope every day.

  5. No, nor have I ever regularly read it at any time in my life. The last time was maybe 20 years ago, and maybe only five times in the 30 years before that.

  6. No. I don’t currently know anyone who does.

    Honestly, the return to popularity of woo stuff like that is one of those things I find weird. Like, when I was a little kid in the 70s, people were into all sorts of weird stuff- Jeanne Dixon type psychics, ESP in general, talking to plants to make them grow, biorhythms, taking mood rings as seriously as you can take mood rings, EST, UFO lore, flat-earth stuff as (mostly) a joke, that sort of thing, and astrology. So much so that “Hey! What’s your sign?” was a well-known cliched intro/pickup line.

    Then it was generally assumed that we snapped out of it- if Carl Sagan doing his thing or James Randi walloping the hell out of guys like Uri Geller didn’t do it, or the Harmonic Convergence being nothing, Nancy Reagan being into it took the alternativeness out of it.

    But then astrology came back at some point, with the added twist that (to some people) now it’s somehow problematic to *not* take it seriously.

    Anyway, I don’t follow it (my beliefs don’t allow for divination), and I’m not superstitious (because it’s bad luck). Which is a shame, since apparently (due to our Solar System moving through the galaxy since the ancients settled on 12 signs) there’s another constellation in the ecliptic, so there’s technically a 13th sign you could be.

  7. Years ago, I had a job with a lot of downtime and I read every page of the newspaper every day, so that meant I read the horoscopes too.

    Now, if I’m reading a magazine or something with a horoscopes section, I might glance at my horoscope and the horoscopes of anyone I’m with, but I have never specifically sought out a horoscope and probably never will.

  8. I never read horoscopes, but I do sometimes like to discuss astrology with the women I go on dates with.

  9. No, I don’t believe in that stuff. I’d buy those little Starscrolls from the grocery store checkout as a kid, but mostly because I thought they were cute. But they’re basically fortune cookies without the cookie.

    I do have a [gorgeous Tarot deck]( from my newly-deconverted-from-Christianity rebellion phase, but even that was always (mostly) a just game. I suspend disbelief enough to keep the game going for myself, but I intentionally never pull cards for a serious question or topic.

  10. I don’t remember the last time I saw it heard anyone mention a horoscope outside of comments on this sub about women into astrology.

  11. I did that 20 years ago when it showed up on my yahoo home page. Not these days. Never put much stock in it.

    Check my user name. I have no problem associating with Leo, but it’s not like I follow astrology. Ever read your fortune cookie fortune? Yea, it’s like that. It’s so vague it could mean anything. Learned that a long time ago. But hey, If it makes you feel good, run with it. Sometimes we need that.

  12. I don’t even know where I would read my horoscope or what my sign even is.

  13. Reddit skews male

    Astrology skews female

    Reddit skews atheist

    Astrology skews “spiritual not religious”

    You have come to the wrong place to do your research.

  14. I know the bare minimum of astrology. I accidentally let my sign slip in one of my classes and I got profiled by every white girl in the room last week.

  15. Of course not. Astrology is superstition. The position of stars hundreds or thousands of light years away has ZERO impact on my life. Even the position the planets in our own solar system has such a negligible effect that science is hard pressed to detect it.

    Where our planet it in our orbit has no bearing on what happens to your life when you are born.

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