Just doesn’t make sense. In every environment I’ve been I rarely if ever hit it off with girls. They always seem so stand offish with me. I’m a quite enthusiastic guy I would say, I can be somewhat shy but over time I do give enough of my personality but it doesn’t seem to be received well by girls. I know you don’t know me so it’s hard to say but why is there such a difference between how guys and girls perceive me.
I feel other people can just be themselves and be accepted but I’m never good enough. I know my personality isn’t amazing or something but I try to be kinda funny in my own way, chill and open to what people have to say. I just can’t seem to get beyond acquantices with girls which inevitably harms me romantically too.

1 comment
  1. Has anyone ever taught you how to move from meeting to romantic? Because there is a flow to it, or do you just expect it to happen? Are you making active moves to be more than friends?

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