What is your revenge fantasy?

  1. Honestly? To live a peaceful happy life. My contentment is the best revenge on people who intentionally hurt me.

  2. I always wanted to show up to my class reunion as a beautiful, skinny and successful woman just to prove my old bullies wrong. However, I’m still an ugly, fat loser, so that won’t ever happen lmao

  3. My university dissolved a department and removed the Chair who had been in the position for 30 years, all in two months. He and I were friends, often chatting about the university and life. He got an email from a *secretary* indicating he was being fired, not even an in-person meeting. All in the name of “renovations” to the building it was in. The Dean of Students didn’t even read the 4k+ petition we gathered to protest it. My school is known for being money-hungry and cuts programs constantly.

    My revenge story is to get *filthy rich* (fuck you rich), then donate back to my university with two stipulations. 1) This department is fully funded and will not close as long as my money funds it. 2) The Dean of Students has to meet with the chair *in-person* to give his apology.

    I just want to have the power to force money-hungry execs to do the right thing.

  4. Living a happy, peaceful, loving, and contented life enjoying my time with my loved ones and seeking out passions, challenges, and experiences to enrich our lives.

    I don’t need to harm someone else for the harms they’ve done to me. The only revenge that matters is removing the access harmful people have to me, moving on, and not spending any of my time, energy, thought, or emotion on those people ever again. Their choices are their own responsibility; it’s for them to carry the burden of what they’ve done. I’m not obligated in any way to be involved, and I choose not to.

  5. That my abusers die alone and miserable, knowing that they’ll never be forgiven by their children, and there’s no chance of them ever seeing us again.

  6. Achieving fame and fortune, and everyone who wronged me knowing it. Not gonna happen, sadly.

  7. I genuinely don’t pay no mind to revenge, I’d never allow anyone to control and change me like that. Revenge is below me. I grow and elevate, that’s my mindset.

    Though I can get petty when it’s someone I really, really, reaaaally care about😂 Which is like 1/1000

  8. Forgetting I ever cared for a long period of time and then having a tiny minute where I remember how far I’ve gotten for forgetting

  9. To grow a business, be able to support myself and not feel stuck with my fiancé

  10. I want to win the lottery, quit my job, travel, buy a dream home, fund causes that make the world a better place, and live well with people I love. I would relax, unbothered, and unavailable. Let them keep grinding, complaining, and hopefully regretting their abusive behavior…sounds great!

  11. To become a bikini bodybuilder and show off. My ex called me fat and told me no-one would want me despite the fact I have a pretty face.

  12. My ex goes to his lawyer first thing in the morning and dictates a new Will and Testament, stating a full confession that he lied about all the times he hit me, and admitting to the years of abuse, to beating my daughter, and to hiding 85% of our marital assets in offshore investments so I didn’t really get anything in the divorce. And leaves all of it to me, and a very large life insurance policy to my daughter. And the next day he accidentally dies in a car crash in which no one else is injured.

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