In what clothes you go to the grocery store?

  1. Whatever I’m wearing (within reason). Not uncommon for me to go in pajamas or work clothes.

  2. Depends what the weather is, or wear I’m coming from (scrubs if I was at work).

    Maybe shorts, tshirt, and flip flops in the summer. In the winter, jacket, pants, and boots/sneakers.

  3. Depends where I’m going. But mostly just what I’m wearing. Costco or aldi I might dress warmer.

  4. Depends. If my Batman suit is in the shop, I wear my spider man suit. If the spider man costume is at the cleaners, then I just wear my usual ski mask

  5. I won’t go in like straight up pajamas but definitely in joggers, sweatpants, gym clothes.

  6. I’ll go in literally anything, from pajama pants to glitter and mesh shirts lol

    On average just whatever I happen to be wearing during the day though

  7. Whatever I’m wearing that day. Last time I was at the store I was in sweatpants and cowboy boots lol

  8. Whatever I’m wearing on that day. It varies. Depends on where I was before I needed to go shopping.

  9. Jeans and a shirt, shorts and a shirt in summer, various other layers of flannels, sweatshirts etc when it’s cold.

    I don’t wear pajama or exercise pants in public for the most part, I feel my needed combination of wallet/keys/phone doesn’t fit right.

  10. I don’t dress up but I put on something decent that’s seasonally appropriate. I don’t wear sweatpants, spaghetti strap shirts, or pajamas in public.

  11. I’m already team “whatever I happen to be wearing”.

    That being said, I might change into casual shorts if it’s kinda warm since I usually ride my bike for groceries.

  12. Casual. Grocery stores are for business and everyone knows it. You just don’t annoy people to much.

    It is not like a coffee shop or an antique shop. People want to get out of their as fast as possible. It is not unpleasant; there is good lighting and occasionally things of interest to see. But it is a matter of fact thing.

  13. It’s usually whatever I wore to work that day, which is either business casual or a nice top with jeans. I have been known to go through there in a rash guard and shorts before going out on the water, though.

  14. Whatever I’m wearing. Though if I’ve been toodling around the house doing whatever needs doing, I may take a moment to make sure I have a bra on and my hair is at least tied back.

    But I’ve gone out to the hardware store in paint stained clothes with holes in them to get house repair supplies, and then stopped for groceries because I was nearby.

    Probably I most commonly go in a t shirt and jeans.

  15. Anything from pajamas to work uniforms. I saw a guy at a gas station in his boxers one time and the clerk didn’t do anything because I’m 90% sure he was nodding off something.

  16. Depends sometimes I will just show up in all my horse riding gear or in just my marching band outfit.

  17. It used to be whatever I happened to be wearing, and that included if it was just PJ pants and an A-shirt, then I’d throw on flip flops and head out the door. Since getting married I’ve started making sure I at least put on jeans and a T-shirt for a store run. My wife never asked me to make that change, but I could tell she didn’t like when I’d go to the store looking sloppy so I’ve worked on it.

  18. I’ll wear leggings/jeans and a shirt/hoodie/cardigan if the weather is nice.

    If I’m cooking and need to grab something quickly, getting gardening supplies, the weather is really cold, or if i need to go out in the middle of the night, then I’ll probably wear leggings/sweatpants and a hoodie or athletic wear. My jacket is going to cover everything and I don’t want to re-iron or dirty better clothes.

    I’ll wear whatever shoes match my outfit (sneakers or boots).

  19. In summer probably a t-shirt, shorts and sandals. In winter I would wear layers like a t-shirt, sweater and coat, pants and boots. I do not go to the store in my pajamas nor do I get dressed up.

    I see people going into grocery stores wearing clothes that look like they are coming from the gym, work or church. So they might be pretty casual or they might be more dressed up. People don’t really go into stores wearing swimsuits around here

  20. I usually stop at the grocery store after going to the gym. So I’ll be in my workout clothes— leggings or shorts, usually a tank top, sneakers. Maybe a layer with long sleeves if it’s cold out, but I’m in Texas so that’s like two months out of the year tops

  21. If I’m at work, I shop in work clothes. If I’m home I look a lot more put together.

  22. Being lame I wear band shirts and joke shirts with jeans.
    Should someday stop dressing like a teen in my 30s but fuck that I don’t have to impress anyone.

  23. My grocery stores are always freezing cold so I always grab a hoodie to wear. Otherwise? I wear whatever. I don’t go out in pjs as a rule but I also don’t require a full face of makeup and perfectly blown out hair to shop. I try to look alive and relatively neat.

  24. Whatever I have on – normally I do pickup orders instead of actually going in and doing the shopping myself so most of the time it’s whatever daytime pajamas I put on. Which means leggings, tshirt, slip in shoes.

  25. Often some form of buttoned shirt, a belt, pants, and boots or sneakers if I’m not coming immediately out of work.

    Buttoned shirts make up a large amount of my wardrobe.

    But Kaufland or Walmart or Rustan’s or whatever usually doesn’t care what you have on as it is on.

  26. T-shirt and shorts, shoes if I’m already wearing socks, flip flops if not, and this goes for about 90% of the year. Mainly because that’s what I wear basically every day.

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