Does not have to be something physical.

  1. Mainly my entire job, but in terms of dollar value (aside from wages earned, since it is not “for free,” I have to leverage my labor), I would say the company’s contribution to my retirement account.

  2. Education: I got divorced a few years ago. I learned a LOT about myself, including what I want, what my boundaries are and what my life goals should be.

  3. My dad gave me his old rock tumbler. It’s a two 6lbs barrel tumbler, it’s probably worth around $250-300 depending

  4. Probably some furniture I have to keep at my mom’s house because I can’t afford a place big enough to put it in.

  5. I was once given a bunch of furniture from someone far wealthier than I.

    The rug I sold because I had a new puppy who was still potty training. It sold to a second hand luxury goods store for $3800.

  6. Physical: furniture for a three bedroom home (from laundry-kitchen-bedrooms)

    Generally the biggest thing I give people is my time, coaching and mentoring for careers.

  7. A gold 1930’s art deco lighter. Was silver smithing as a hobby and my partner was old money loaded and brought it in for melt, said I liked it and it was a shame to melt & they gave it too me

  8. My grandpa was dying on his deathbed, and told me about a chest that he’d hidden for over 60+ years in a hidden compartment in his basement. Told me to keep what I want, and sell the rest for money. No one knew about the chest so I went over the house one day and found it. Inside was all of his uniforms and medals he got from his time in the army during WW2. Ranging from a German Officers pistol, Nazi medals off dead soldiers, his uniforms, his medals, etc. I sold some of the items for a lot of money, and kept the rest as a memory.

  9. Most valuable to me? Couple of family heirlooms. A cast iron pan, a pocket watch, a suitcase, combined all are worth maybe $3-400.

    Most monetary value? A store was going out of business and gave me a bunch of their shelving for free. Probably a couple thousand dollars worth, based on the tags they were selling it for. High quality steel stuff.

    Highest monetary value given to me by someone I know? Not much. Maybe those family heirlooms. The watch is worth $200, but technically I had to steal it. The pan is probably worth about $1-200. that was given to me. The suitcase is about 80 years old but in rough shape. Maybe $20 value as a decor piece.

    Edit: oh, I got a $2500 life insurance check from my grandpa. I never met him. He was a wife beating deadbeat. I didn’t really even want the money. Took me a year just to cash the check (the life insurance company kept sending me letters and eventually I had them reissue the check so I could cash it). I haven’t decided what to do with it so I just parked it in a savings account for now. Part of me thinks it would be fitting to donate his money to a woman’s shelter.

  10. My education through high school. I was put through Catholic school all the way from first through 12th grade. And my parents paid that tuition every year. The religious indoctrination I could have done without and I left the church before my 18th birthday. But the schools were solid and the education I got has been immeasurably valuable in my life.

  11. Back in 2015 I had crashed our car which my dad saved up for many years to buy. (He was teaching me how to drive). The week prior my uncle bought a new car and hadn’t sold his old one yet. The day of the crash we were going to his house for prayer and after we were leaving he said to take his old car(which happened to be the same make model and year of the one I crashed) and register it for ourselves. Because he barely drove it, it was still in fairly peak condition, only 90k on it. We drove that car for another 6years. Couda gone longer but it was at about 215k

  12. The wedding ring of my grandma who past away last year. Gollum is nothing compared to me.

  13. My brother gave me his Buick Riviera after he got married and had kids and got a new car. For me, it would have been a great second car for the train station, but it didn’t pass first inspection and needed so much work that it wasn’t worth it in the end. So, I only was able to use it for a few months, before having to sign over the title to a company to dispose of it. Was a great, thoughtful gift.

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