Basically the title, but it’s more so apparently I’m viewed as “mysterious” and when that mystery is solved people aren’t very interested it seems like. I’m mostly seeing this from my job, as I used to not talk very often and I don’t know it felt like the interactions I had with people were different. Some people would talk to me more than they do now is stuff. I’m probably overthinking all of this but yeah I just sort of feel like going back to being quiet and not putting myself out there as there’s even been a couple is situations at work where me putting myself out there hasn’t exactly worked out for me. I would explain them but that’ll be too long.

Has anyone else ever felt the way I have, and is so how did your combat feeling like this? I feel like i shouldn’t feel this way, but maybe im wrong.

  1. I totally feel this, but from the other side. I talk way too much and am way too eager to make friends and please people. So when I finally shut up, only then do people try to converse with me first. People like a mystery, but it doesn’t mean you’re boring or anything when they solve it. I think content is the important part. If we speak, we should say something meaningful or interesting.

  2. I totally feel this way sometimes. My thought is that although people might superficially like me more when I’m distant and mysterious, I will be truly loved by the right people if I am open.Would you rather be kinda tolerated overall or truly liked/truly disliked kind of thing.

    I reckon it depends on your goal. In certain situations I’m happy to not talk because I’m OK with just being liked well enough, but if I want real connection with someone I will be open/talkative

  3. Same. I’ve noticed that people will show interest at first, but usually the more I open up the more they will distance themselves.

  4. Yup. As long as I nod my head, shut up, and go along with what they want, they’re cool with me. The minute I tell them what I want, all of a sudden I’m an asshole.

  5. A lot of people over share. If you talk less, people tend to listen more when you do talk.
    I know me, and very talkative people irritated me, I tend to avoid them.

    “Shut up and enjoy the sunset” – George Washington, probably.

  6. I’ve felt that way a million times. It’s a waste of life. Speak up to hell with people and their bs, just be you. I wasted lots of my life worried about others. It’s not worth it

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