Men with well kept beards, what is your beard grooming advice?

  1. Beard oil and drink water.

    Your beard hairs are individual wicks that will expell moisture from your skin.

    If you soap the shit out of your face and beard, it will dry out your face, and the hairs. Which you must do to keep it clean.

    But the hairs are dead, and don’t need water, but they are essentially a dry towel on your face and will wick moisture from your face.

    Your skin, underneath a beard will get dry and flaky. Yep, beard dandruff.

    Stay hydrated by drinking water, and that is great advice, beard or not.

    On top of that, when you wash and soap a beard, you dry it out artificially. Hair and skin is naturally oily. But in our modern society, really oily hair is seen as unwashed and haggard.

    The balance is to use jojoba oil or something similar after freshly washing the beard. It looks healthy, but not unkempt and haggard.

    EDIT: this is all about beard hair and face health, nevermind the proper way to cut and shape the beard.

  2. moisturize and brush it

    the more you stay on top of grooming it, the easier it gets to groom over time


    your beard can essentially take any shape over time and if you leave it smashed on your face after sleeping all night then it will always look like a wreck

  3. Everyone else seems to have good care tips, but you should also find a good barber. I only go to mine two or three times a year, but it really helps to have a pro trim and shape your beard. I usually do it myself, but having a fresh set of hands with more experience is better.

  4. Take the time to really maintain the quality of your beard the same way people with great looking long hair take care of their hair. Brushing it, trimming it slightly to get rid of split ends, moisturizing, washing it properly, maintaining its heath, hydrating yourself, and hydrating your beard are very important.

  5. Beard shampoo twice a week, beard oil daily, and trim rogue hairs as needed

  6. I use almond oil as beard oil because it’s cheap and you can buy it in bulk. Works for face/body/hair as well, albeit with a little shine for a few minutes.

  7. Brush and oil everyday, don’t over shampoo (2x a week is plenty), use quality products, keep it trimmed and shaped as it fits your overall look.

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