My ex-girlfriend and I broke up couple weeks ago because she wanted to find her self and wasnt sure she loved me anymore. I was obviously hurt because she suggest we break up out of the blue. I tried to get her back but she insisted I give her space.

Recently we have been hanging out as friends and she mentioned that she wanted to try with me again. Obviously I was interrested since I have been chasing her over the entire time she dumped me. However, I just learned that she fucked so many guys while we were broken up ( in less than a month). I couldnt believe it so I had to ask her but she refused to comment and said its the past and she was hurt and was trying to forget me ( she is the one that dumped me). It hurt me so much that I had to take some time to think about wether it is a good idea to get back with her. I cant make a decision because I am clouded with feelings and emotions for her but at the same time her new history bothers me.

Would I be wrong to take her back? Can it backfire in the future?

Thanks alot for all the suportive ideas and suggestions in the comments. I blocked her and deleted all her contacts. I am going to focus on my healing process. Thanks alot again from the bottom of my heart!

  1. OP, it’s not “wrong” to take her back. But it’s obvious that you’re carrying a great deal of resentment for her. If I were in your shoes I’d leave it alone.

  2. I mean it can backfire but ur the only one who can decide if thats right for u.

    From my personal perspective, she dumped u. Why would u wanna date someone who isnt sure if they want u.

  3. Move on, dude. Clearly this isn’t gonna work and you mulling over these men she slept with (while she was single btw) is just gonna make your relationship toxic.

  4. How many is so many?

    That rush to another man’s bed stuff doesn’t end there, sorry to say. Most likely one or more of these dudes were in her periphery while you were together. She’s insecure.

    What is quite likely to happen in the future is she dumps you again when things are a little rough and some other dude (or dude’s) is in her ear. Or worse, she just starts fucking someone. You do not want someone who reacts to their insecurity in that way – she will devastate you.

    So is it wrong? Morally, no. Realistically, it’s just a terrible move and you’re likely to get hurt later.

  5. So she dumped you so that she could bang a bunch of dudes and now wants you back? Yikes

  6. She dumped you so she could go and fuck dudes she most likely wanted to fuck the whole time you were together. Forget her and move on.

  7. I would worry less about her activities during the break and think more about her spontaneously dumping you. It’s concerning when the person who initiated the break-up wants to get back together. Probably a bullet that you have a chance to dodge.

  8. Have some dignity. Your penis is thinking for you, listen to your heart and mind instead. She doesn’t love you. Go find someone who does 😤

  9. Lol why do this to yourself. Just stop, get over it, work on yourself and find someone that respects you.

  10. Not necessarily “wrong” but definitely not smart. She had shown you how she handles things, that won’t improve in the future. You can find someone else who won’t do these things.

  11. Bro she tried to replace you and couldn’t. She doesn’t respect or love you. You’re just a place holder until she can find someone better. If you take her back she will respect you even less and assumes she can come back anytime she wants some strange. Buddy you need to love yourself

  12. Tell her you want to go sleep with other chicks and then you’ll think about getting back together 😈

  13. Did she initiate the breakup just so that she could go out and hook up with the guys? This way, she would have you waiting for her once she’s done with the guys.

    If you take her back now, then what’s stopping her from breaking up with you again to go hook up with some more guys. Can you trust her words at this point? I think it’d be even worse, if you guys get married, have kids and then she decides that she want’s to open the relationship. What I’m saying is that it looks like you both seem to have different priorities when it comes to relationships and it likely can end up in a disaster should you get together.

  14. Block her on everything and move on dude. She’s using you. You’re her comfort that she feels she can come back and forth between. When she wants to bang other people she’ll just do it without considering you at all.

  15. I was in a similar situation. You will carry a weight of not being able to trust her and also resenting her to the point where you convince yourself to cheat on her. My advice is don’t go back. I’m still trying to talk myself out of my current predicament.

  16. It’s time to move on. She has been thinking of fucking those guys for a long time before she broke up with you. You deserve better my friend. You are just stuck in your old feelings. Find something to distract yourself and in time you will care about her less. It sounds to me like she tried to put you on the shelf for later.

  17. You sound like a sweet guy. You deserve more than that. Getting back with your ex is pretty much never a good idea

  18. Dude. I don’t know you. I don’t know where you are. But if you take her back, I’ll find you and give you a good slap in the face.

  19. I’m gonna be honest as someone who has cheated in the past and needed to go to therapy for it. She wanted to fuck dudes without the guilt. She knew if she could do it in a short amount of time while you were still emotionally attached to her, she could manipulate you back to her. Who knows how long she wanted to be with these other dudes. You’re gonna feel better in the long run knowing you have the ability to turn down women that act like this, you’ll feel more confident and find a woman that actually respects you

  20. “Find herself” 🤣🤣 you sir have a lot of growing to still do when it comes to woman

  21. Let me give you some advice coming from a very seasoned person. If a person ever decides to go and sleep around right after breaking up, it’s not because they’re hurt. It’s because they want to go have fun and experience life without having to be attached to anybody. Understand that you’re just another person in this individual’s journey through life. You are not soulmates, you are not meant to be with each other forever, you’re just two people who cross paths and loved each other for a moment in time. You might even have a place in your heart for her, at least who she was in the past. Now she’s somebody different and if you have self respect and dignity, you would move past her and hit the gym. Now, if she’s your only option, then that’s your problem. You get too attached to the idea of her being the only person to accept you for who you are. When there are literally millions of people who would do the exact same thing for you, just have to go out and find them. It can be hard and scary but understand the fire within your heart and soul can used to forge something new and beautiful. Keep your head up ☝🏽

  22. Oooof, she definitely broke up with you to bang dudes. If that’s the kind of quality person you wanna chase, you can give her a second chance, but who’s to say she won’t get bored again and go on another “break”? Personally I’d look for someone who values you.

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