i had sex with this guy last week and everything kinda happened very fast that i didn’t even realize he didn’t stop to put a condom on. he bought me a plan B afterwards but i never asked him if he’s been tested for STD’s recently. i did ask him what his body count was, out of curiosity, and he said between 30 and 40 so i’m a little scared 😃 i got diagnosed with a UTI and yeast infection a few days later when i started having weird symptoms and they also tested me for gonorrhea and chlamydia, which came back negative but that might have been too soon to be accurate. i have his number so i could text him and ask…. how should i go about this?

  1. I avoid using the word clean (because stigma) but just ask. If anything it’s only decent for him to inform you of his status, if he has STIs and is a decent person he would have disclosed, but a decent person with curable STIs probably shouldn’t be hooking up on tinder while still able to give you an STI. UTI and yeast infection can be caused from sex, especially raw dogging, a new partner.

  2. I would suggest getting a full STI test now and again in a few months. As far as the “he didn’t stop to put a condom on” part, that’s a two way street! I am female as well and I am sexually active and I always check before they go in. It’s so important to do that! I know these things happen in the heat of the moment, but as women we are the last line of defence and we are the ones taking the risk of pregnancy. I hope everything is ok and you are 100% clear!

  3. That horse has sort of left the barn. Asking them isn’t going to change your result, since they could have gotten something recently. You just need to get tested at the appropriate time.

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