So my situation might sound stereotypical or cheesy but back in middle school i had this one girl who was a very good friend of mine, due to travelling and moving schools/countries/phones and sim cards, ive lost contact with many of my friends.

Today i found an instagram account that 99% is probably hers, so im wondering how to approach this.
This also goes to many of my other friends but the others were easier as i just messaged them (i was sure of their accounts and they were mostly boys), but im really afraid to fumble this up.

Gentle reminder, its been 6 years since we last talked to each other, but we were relatively close.

1 comment
  1. So this was a common occurrence for my generation. We all found each other after high school via social media as we used MySpace during high school.

    You just add them. Sometimes you shoot a message if you want to reconnect like.

    I think she will be happy to add you back.

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