what little things do you absolutely love?

  1. Watching Downton Abbey while playing solitaire. Favorite way to spend a chill evening.

  2. Drinking coffee on the porch when I wake up while I do my morning scroll through my phone

  3. The sound of rain on the roof and a nice candle burning brightly in a dim room.

  4. A hot tea, fresh air, incense, quiet chill music, a hot footbath, a freshly washed blanket, pretty flowers outside, a clean kitchen, that feeling when you just wake up and everything is just cozy quiet and warm, a starry sky, a pretty sunset, the sound of rain, running rice, dried beans or lentils through my fingers… So many little things that are just beautiful

  5. Going to museums alone, getting coffee with friends, sunrises during the summer, being organized, people remembering little things about me, and random positive interactions with strangers.

  6. When someone gets my name right the first go! Or when they correct someone else so I don’t have to do it myself ☺️

  7. Amabala Rasmalai’s forever tasting like heaven & nostalgia. Listening to my favourite song of the moment on a loop after loop until I’ve memorized all the words by heart. A subtle pop of shimmer right in the centre of my lower lash line. A surprise double chapter update from a manhwa I’m reading. When you’re the first one to a fresh pot of homemade dhaal and you get to have all the mouthwateringly fragrant garlic-y tarka. Having a good curl day – when your hair air dries just right and your curls & waves do their own thing but somehow look perfect without you even doing a thing. Wearing delicate jewellery that combine moon & pearl motifs and make me feel like I’m doing an understated cos & giving a subtle nod to Princess Serenity.

  8. Peeling those see-through stickers off new appliances. Putting dirty laundry in the washing machine. Fixing my clothes, eg repairing a hole in the fabric. My cat letting me pet his belly.

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