Hello everyone! I’m an Aussie who’ll be heading to the UK next year for a 6-month study abroad program.


Due to a couple of factors that I won’t bother boring you with, the academic prestige and difficulty of my future destination isn’t important at all, which means I can, fortunately, choose somewhere purely based on where I’ll think I’ll have the most enjoyable time.


I’m trying to figure out which university would be best in terms of nightlife and student social life; idealistically somewhere where there’s something to do every night of the week. I know London is the obvious choice for diversity and regularity of nightlife, but I was a bit hesitant that the student-specific social scene might get lost in such a big city.


I heard a lot of the northern cities are a good laugh, in particular Newcastle, but also Liverpool, Manchester, and Leeds. As well as Nottingham in the Midlands. Is it right to think Newcastle is the best shout out of these for nightlife a student?


At the moment, I was personally leaning towards Edinburgh, which from what I’ve read seems to be very student-oriented city. I was also thinking they’d have a lot of students not originally from Edinburgh, so it might be a bit more open socially for an outsider. What does everyone think of Edinurgh; is it good fun, or a bit too small comparative to the other cities above?


Thank you very much for reading this, and for any recommendations you might be able to provide. I really appreciate all your help.

  1. been a few years, but I loved the nightlife in Sheffield. 2 universities and the Leadmill is still going strong.

  2. I’m seconding Sheffield. Great night life and if it’s your thing, on the edge of a National park for great walking!

  3. Glasgow would be my first choice. Probably Manchester or Leeds after that. Most big university towns in the north are good.

  4. Liverpool or Newcastle laa…worked all over the UK and Europe…fun people with no chips on their shoulders

  5. Newcastle comfortably the best night out in the UK. City a perfect size that you can experience every kind of night you want within walking distance.

    Most other cities have certain streets that are best to go to; Newcastle is entire city centre.

  6. for me it would be leeds, sheffield, manchester, newcastle, great night life in all maybe surprising but for me sheffield was ace.

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