Let’s say your last ex was your last option and could not date again. Would you set a different expection in the relationship? Would it have ended differently? This is for all women not 1 particular set.

  1. I would’ve been a nightmare and I’d still be happier single. He was a junkie, a rapist and a dangerous man. I’m glad he’s fucked off

  2. I would have done exactly the same thing. I didn’t break up because I wanted to date other people, I broke up because I didn’t want to date *him*.

  3. I’d be single and I’d still have chosen to end it. We weren’t healthy, we weren’t happy. Now that I know what true, deep, committed and healthy love feels like-I’d rather having nothing then a cheap rip off of it.

  4. We were good together and are still friends. I’d maybe go back if he didn’t want kids but I don’t think that will change

  5. by the time I left him, I was 100% comfortable with being single for the rest of my life. as a wise woman once said, I can do bad by myself.

  6. I’ll choose being single, thanks. They were a good person and we had some good times but I did the right thing in leaving.

  7. I would’ve stayed with him. The relationship was toxic, and I was unhappy, but I absolutely love sharing my life experiences with a partner. If my only two options were sharing my life with him, or sharing it with no one, I’d choose to be with him, despite all the problems.

  8. My ex is a good person and we could be good friends. I would do better job of maintaining my independence, take on less of the domestic work, and say no a hell of a lot more.

    I’d probably choose to be single forever rather than be with him though!

  9. Most likely nothing would have changed. We got together young, I stayed in the relationship long past its expiration date through inertia until looking forward had long since felt like a prison sentence more than a shared adventure, and then we divorced. Even if that meant I would never have had another relationship again in my life, ending that one was by far the best choice I could have made. I’m happy with myself whether I have a partner or not. If the partnership isn’t adding value to both of our lives, I’d rather be single.

  10. Lack of options doesn’t make a failed relationship a good one. It failed for a reason.

  11. Exes are exes for a reason.
    Mankind would go extinct if it relied on me getting back together with any of my exes.

  12. It wouldn’t have. I’d have still broken up with him and I’d happily be single for the rest of my life. In fact I was planning to be single for the rest of my life when I broke up with him. Made it 15 years. 🙄 Not proud of that.

  13. He is an amazing guy but I broke up with him because we had different ideas for the future and I wasn’t happy. He went on to do what he wanted and I went on to do what I wanted, so I think I wouldn’t do anything differently. Our lives still wouldn’t mesh and I don’t think I’d be any happier this go around.

  14. I still would have left. We weren’t for each other, I would be happily single than date him.

  15. I’d break up with my current man so I could have him as my only option. There’s no way I’d go back to last actual ex.

  16. I would 100% rather be alone than sharing a life with my ex. We would totally make each other miserable.

  17. Well, I ultimately married the only ex I have so I guess I would change nothing lol

  18. He was my only option. I’m worth better. It would still have ended exactly as it did.

  19. My last ex before the love of my life kept putting everyone else before me which is why I walked away.

    I’d have become a nun before going back to that shit show.

  20. Tbh, I’d still dump him even if it meant I would die the next day lol.

  21. If it was my absolute last, then it’s not so bad. He’s a moron, he’s a cheater, but he’s not the worst person in the world. Let’s just hope we don’t come to that, though.

  22. Well my last ex ended things with me so that’s out of my control. But if you’re asking about the last one I broke things off with… I would have given him more of a chance. I liked him but I just felt like he wasn’t the best possible match for me. If I knew my only options were to be single forever or stay with him… I’d give him more time to see if things worked out.

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