What are some unwritten rules of walking your dog in public?

  1. Pick up its shit and make sure you’re in control of the animal. That’s pretty much it. Lots of inconsiderate and clueless dog owners out there.

  2. Keep it on a leash. I see so many people not walk their dog on a leash. They don’t understand that it’s not for my dog’s protection but for theirs. If your dog comes up to my dog not on a leash and my dog attacks your dog then I kick your dog in the head. It’s still your fault because you didn’t have your dog on a leash

  3. If you see another man walking his pitbull while you are walking yours, you must say to him “My dog would kick your dogs ass!”.

  4. keep it leashed, a lot of the time when someone says their dog is friendly it is not

    i always carry pepper spray and loudly threaten to use it on people’s unleashed dogs if they come running at me, this seems to work well

  5. Your special dog still needs a leash if you are walking in the neighborhood.

    I run fast. Even good natured dogs freak the fuck out when I come up behind you at 13mph out of nowhere.

  6. Please do not force the person walking the opposite direction of you off of the sidewalk and into the street to pass you because your entourage is taking up the entire sidewalk.

  7. Pick up after them and keep them on a leash, even if they are well-behaved. You should be prepared to control any poor behavior, even if that behavior is them being a bit too assertive about showing affection to strangers. These are actually written rules in some places, but they exist as unwritten rules where they are not written.

  8. I have 2 small poodles doggies.. and hate it when other ppl with dogs bring their dogs close to mine to socialize. I keep em on a leash.. and try to walk em at times with less ppl around.. but they cute as fuck.. and ppl tend to just become almost in love with them.. and either they want to pet em.. or bring their small dogs to greet them.. and one of mine is a bit scarycat and gets uncomfortable.. I started using a red bandana on them so ppl know we walk alone undisturbed

  9. If your dog is playing with another dog and the other owner decides to try and move along, don’t continue following in the same direction instantly after they leave. Often dogs can’t help but want to keep playing and as an owner who is sometimes in a rush, it becomes frustrating being tailgated for a few blocks.

  10. First rule is to train your dog to walk on a leash. There are lots of tutorials online on how to do this, but ultimately it’s the owner’s responsibility to make sure the dog will listen when commanded.

    Second rule is to control the dog. There is a ton of stimuli during a dog walk. Bikers, runners, children, and so on. Not that the dog can’t react, that’s asking for the impossible, but the dog needs to be controlled. Harnesses work super well. Do not use prong collars, as they’re painful for the dog and can cause lacerations of the neck.

    Third rule is to pick up after your dog. Dogs poop. They poop a lot, and it’s your responsibility to pick up dog poop. Get poo bags and a poo bag carrier.

    Fourth rule is to let them sniff. Walking a dog doesn’t necessarily tire it out. Especially if you have a German Shepherd or other working breed. What does tire them out is being able to sniff stuff. You’re going for time, not necessarily distance. Let them use their senses.

  11. Visibly shorten the leash when someone is approaching the other way. Get off the sidewalk if it’s a group or a stroller. You have to let people pet them. Or at least let me.

  12. If someone is shortening the leash on their dog means that they don’t want their dog to meet your dog and you should do the same

  13. Leash. Always. Believe it or not, some people don’t like dogs and those that do don’t necessarily want to interact with yours. You know (or think you know…) what your dog is going to do in public, nobody else does.

    Pick up the mess. Always.

    Train your dog.

    When walking my son’s dog, I make the commands kinda obvious, even though she knows what I expect in most situations and doesn’t need them anymore. It’s just to let passersby know that I am paying attention and things are under control.

  14. * Keep him leashed at all times, except in a bark park.
    * Don’t let him get near other people or animals.
    * Pick up the poop

  15. Allow people to pet your dog while not expecting any interaction with you, you don’t exist, it’s all about your dog.

  16. When holding the leash, keep your elbow bent. This way if the dog pulls you won’t sprain your arm.

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