My wife (F29) and I (M30) have a good sex life. We have sex at least once a week. But I always find myself wanting more and I don’t t even know what it is. We can just finish having sex, but i find myself rearing to go again almost immediately after. Most of the time she doesn’t want to and I respect that. I will never pressure her into it. My overactive sex drive leaves me frustrated with myself and I feel like some kind of deviant.

I’ve talked to my wife many times how I feel and she’s very understanding. So she doest really get upset when I get a little handsy. She’ll just tell me “not right now” and I’ll immediately back off.

I’m not sure if it is I want sex more frequently, want to experiment, or I’m just a sec addict.

  1. Wow…you’re married and have sex at least once a week?

    I would say you’re doing pretty fucking swell.

  2. Sexual deviancy is characterized by arousal toward objects or activities outside of societal norms such as sexual touch self-harm, violent sexual acts, bestiality, necrophilia…

    To me it sounds as if you simply have a high libido, which is normal. Have you tried masturbating more often?

  3. Focus more on non sexual intimacy. If you relate all intimacy to just sex it will just get worse.

  4. She should take it as a compliment that you choose to have sex with her and love it so much that you want more. That’s not the worst thing on the planet for a wife.

  5. Sounds like a couple times a week in between you may need to give your tool the ole spit shine

  6. I can understand the difficulty finding time, especially if you have kids, careers, especially if your partner doesn’t have the same drive as you. But you are no deviant and not an addict if you want it more then once a week. I know one thing that boosted my wife’s sex drive was when we made the “my turn” rule. We have kids so often it’s late and after a long day can be hard for her to find energy to keep up with me. So when we have days off together, during the week and during school hours, we make the extra effort for each other. If it’s my turn she might wear something special and if it’s my turn it might be a massage that leads to more. It’s something we both look forward to and she’s even made comments knowing it her turn coming up like… “we’re both off tomorrow and you know who’s turn it is???”

  7. I’m going to come at this from a different angle: Is it that you just find yourself *wanting* more sex immediately after sex or that you find yourself consistently physically aroused after sex? Because while you might just have a high sex drive, there is also something called hyper-arousal that is a purely physical issue. It can be really uncomfortable. It usually has to do with a problem with the pundendal nerve. If you ever notice spontaneous physical arousal after sitting for long periods or riding a bike, or if the sensation of arousal persists to the point of discomfort, you may want to consult a doctor.

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