Context: I just got out of a relationship where my ex and I were having sex every day for nearly 2 months until I asked her to be my GF, then it dropped to every other day for the next 4 months, then it dropped off to once every 2 weeks. When I asked her about it, she said she had never been in a stable long-term (living together) relationship so she didn’t know she’d only want it every 2 weeks in reality. She also said she was probably subconsciously having sex more to get me bought into her.

After breaking up with her, I’m having a hard time determining if women are primarily having sex to secure a relationship or for physical validation… Or if they’re doing it because it’s pleasurable for themselves and their man and they actually enjoy it as a part of a relationship

Obviously I’m a bit jaded after my last relationship, but I don’t want to be intentionally/accidentally deceived again

  1. Women are not a hive mind.

    If you’re asking for an average, most of them like sex just fine but experience desire less frequently than the average man. I’ve met exceptions for every variable in that sentence.

    People in general tend to experience more frequent and more intense sexual desire in the beginning of a relationship.

  2. … the fuck?

    Yup. It’s all a big manipulation perpetrated by an entire gender to “trap” all the single winners walking around.

    Except when the other person knows what they’re doing in bed. Then women actually enjoy sex. Not applicable to your scenario.

  3. Women are not hiveminds same as men. I’ve known women who love sex and others who don’t.

  4. In my experience, most women enjoy sex just as much as men, especially if they find a partner who is focused on the woman’s pleasure as much as their own.

  5. Of course we enjoy it. And if the sexual chemistry is there, sometimes we want to do it more often than our partner is able to 😂

  6. Women, on a physical level, enjoy sex way more than men do since they have way more nerves down there

  7. I am a woman who enjoys having sex but do not want to have sex with someone casually. It’s scares me that i could get an std or unwanted pregnancy and be stuck raising a baby by myself.I feel more comfortable having sex in a relationship.

    Once I’m actually in a good relationship it’s on, at least once a day.

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